New Research Confirms Gender Dysphoria Usually Temporary in Children and Young Adults

New medical research coming out of Germany documents what current research from multiple other countries has already shown, but with an important update.

It has been well established in the scientific literature that children with gender dysphoria desist or cease feeling these feelings as they move into puberty and later adolescence. Examples of this research are found here, here, and here.  But this new German study, in agreement with another recent study that shows a desistence rate of 64% for adolescents and young adults, indicates a parallel desistance rate of 63.6% for once-gender dysphoric patients aged 20-24 years of age.

Therefore, the update is that it is not just gender confused children who desist at very high levels, but post-pubertal young adults do as well.

The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) highlighted this German finding, saying it “poses a formidable challenge to the presumption of permanence of gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults.” This new research draws from German insurance data, examining medical claims for roughly 14 million insured persons aged five to 24.

SEGM explains, “For most young people, the gender-identity related diagnosis does not persist after 5 years.” Adolescent females aged 15–19 had the lowest persistence rate of 27.3%, while young males aged 20–24 had the highest persistence rate which was still just less than half at 49.7%.

The German research showed that the highest prevalence of gender confusion was seen in female adolescents aged 15 – 19, the very group that had the lowest level of persisting in their confusion after puberty and into early adulthood.

This new research also showed that young people struggling with gender confusion also show remarkably high rates of additional mental issues, what clinicians call comorbidities. SEGM explains, “Over 70% of young people diagnosed with gender dysphoria had at least one other psychiatric diagnosis (67% of males and 76% of females).” The German study gives the specific and substantial prevalences of these comorbidities for adolescent males and females,

The most common diagnoses were depressive disorders (males: 49.3%, females: 57.5%), anxiety disorders (23.5%/34.0%), emotionally unstable personality disorder of the borderline type (12.1%/17.6%), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (12.7%/12.6%), and post-traumatic stress disorders (9.9%/13.6%).

This means that gender confusion should not be isolated and affirmed as its own thing. A host of coexisting mental illnesses must also be considered and treated.

This study also found what many other countries have found, a massive spike over the last decade in reports of gender confusion among young people. The German study noted “an 8-fold increase in the prevalence of” gender confusion claims over a 10-year period of persons aged five to 24 years of age.

In their analysis of the German study, SEGM correctly notes,

The authors conclude that the sharp increases in prevalence of gender-related diagnoses, high rates of co-occurring mental health conditions, and low diagnostic stability of the diagnosis merit serious consideration before the initiation of gender transition interventions in young people.

We have been putting young people on experimental drugs and submitting them to life-altering surgeries while we have robust and consistent data that conflicts with such clinical recommendations. This is precisely why many countries are reversing course while the United States continues to blindly ignore this telling and emerging data.

Our children and their families deserve better.

Related articles and resources:

New Research Confirms Previous Findings: Most Gender Confused Kids Desist

U.K.’s Review of Child Gender Policy Reveals Profound Failures That U.S. Still Defends

Transgenderism and Minors: What Does the Research Really Show?

What Does it Mean to Be Trans, Anyway?

Do Not Fall for the ‘Affirm Them or They Will Die’ Lie

Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson Expose a Major Lie of Gender Ideology

How to Defeat Gender Ideology, Protect Children and End ‘Trans America’


Image from Getty.


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