New Research Confirms Previous Findings: Most Gender Confused Kids Desist

A new study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior confirms what earlier research previously demonstrated: Youth who show confusion about their “gender identity” are highly likely to cease or desist in such confusion as they mature into adulthood.
The growth and maturation process helps such youth come in line with their natural biology. This finding is additional proof that being “trans” is not a thing that happens in nature. It is not an objective medical condition. It is also clinically ill-advised to “transition” kids who have not reached maturity.
This new study was conducted in the Netherlands, tracking 2,772 adolescents from the general population. Data from six longitudinal waves were included, tracking subjects from ages 11 to 26, asking them to rate their overall mental and physical health every three years for a 15-year period.
Only 11% of the participants experienced any “gender non-contentedness” as the study stated it, in early adolescence. These scholars found a desistance rate of 64% in gender confusion among these adolescents as they grew into early adulthood. This means the overwhelming majority of such kids just naturally stop feeling such confusion as their bodies and minds mature and they start having different life experiences. What is more, only 2% of subjects in this study who showed any gender confusion reported that these thoughts and feelings increased as they grew older.
These researchers explained in their study,
Gender non-contentedness, while being relatively common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age and appears to be associated with a poorer self-concept and mental health throughout development.
They also state that “the few longitudinal studies that have been conducted in a clinical setting found low persistence rates of early childhood gender dysphoric feelings into adolescence and adulthood” with these authors citing earlier research here and here.
Additional research published in 2021 by other leading scholars showed only a 12.2% persistence rate for boys with adolescent gender confusion issue. This means that 88% of gender-confused boys in this study naturally came in line with their natural biology as they aged.
The scholars of the new Archives study add, “it was found that children who socially transitioned in early childhood were more likely to have persisting feelings of gender dysphoria” (emphasis added) thus offering support for the wisdom of parents and other supporting adults like teachers, extended family and community leaders not allowing children to change their clothes, room décor, names and pronouns to a different gender identity.
This new academic research continues to support the truth that God does not play tricks on us with our bodies, and while genuine gender dysphoria can happen, it is truly rare and tends to go away or desist as children grow and mature into natural adulthood.
Related articles and resources:
Addressing Gender Identity with Honesty and Compassion
The Journey Back to My True Identity
U.K.’s Review of Child Gender Policy Reveals Profound Failures That U.S. Still Defends
Transgenderism and Minors: What Does the Research Really Show?
What Does it Mean to Be Trans, Anyway?
Transgenderism and Minors: What Does the Research Really Show?
Do Not Fall for the ‘Affirm Them or They Will Die’ Lie
How to Defeat Gender Ideology, Protect Children and End ‘Trans America’
Image from Getty.
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