Be equipped. Be informed.


Our tradition of voting is as old as the American republic because our government is created by, of and for the people. Voting is our method of holding the government accountable to the people. Citizens can throw out officials who aren’t representing them well, and elect new people who accurately reflect their voice.

Voting is essential for the health of a Republic. The first Americans recognized that voting gives citizens an outlet with which to express their pleasure or displeasure with their officials. It also empowers the citizenry to voice their political opinions and effect change in a substantial way. Americans disagree with each other on many things, and through voting each citizen is able to nudge the nation in a certain direction.

Voting also helps maintain an informed citizenry. Since the citizens are responsible for maintaining their government, it is also up to them to know what is happening in their government in order to make informed decisions at the ballot box. Though campaign commercials can be exceedingly negative, they actually help inform the American people. Commercials, bumper stickers, campaign rallies, door knockers and debates all help American citizens know more about their government, and empower them to shape American politics to how they see fit.

Heading into election season, use this opportunity to make sure you are prepared to participate in our national political conversation. If you aren’t registered to vote, The Daily Citizen encourages you to do so.



Deadlines for voter registration vary by state. Please make sure you know the deadline in your state so that you don’t miss your opportunity to vote in 2020!


Every state has different dates for voting in the primaries and for the general election. Please check your state-specific dates so you don’t show up too early or too late!

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Who is running for president in 2020?

President Donald Trump

Donald Trump, 73 (R)

President of the United States

The Republican National Committee (RNC) held a smaller, scaled-down convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, due to coronavirus restrictions on large gatherings. As a result, Republicans did not create a new party platform, but chose to re-adopt their 2016 platform, along with President Trump’s “America-first agenda.” The platform has goals for rebuilding the economy, simplifying the tax code, protecting Constitutional freedoms, developing a variety of energy sources, and reforming the federal government, and many other objectives.

Republican candidate Donald Trump’s campaign website says “Together, we are rebuilding our nation” and includes the slogans “Make America Great Again 2020” and “Keep America Great.” It lists Trump’s agenda for a second term and links to the “Promises Made, Promises Kept” website, which lists Trump’s accomplishments in areas like foreign policy, the economy and jobs, immigration, and government deregulation. The site gives information about upcoming events, offers a link to the president’s Twitter feed, and presents videos, articles and press releases about the campaign.

Joe Biden, 77 (D)

Former VP of the United States

The Democratic National Committee approved a new platform for 2020 at its national convention in August, with 3,562 delegates in support and 1,069 voting no. The platform condemns President Trump’s policies on foreign affairs, health care, the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. Among other proposals, the platform calls for workers’ rights and raising wages, building on the Affordable Care Act, protecting LGBTQ+ rights and women’s access to abortion, and for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions no later than 2050.

Democrat candidate Joe Biden’s campaign website touts his achievements as a senator and vice president and describes the “Battle for The Soul of the Nation” and his “Vision for America.” That vision includes plans in almost 50 different areas, including: “Joe Biden’s Agenda for Women,” “The Biden Plan for Climate Change,” “Joe’s Leadership in Times of Crisis: COVID-19,” and “The Biden Plan for Health Care.” The website includes Biden’s life story, running mate Kamala Harris’ story, statements by Biden on a variety of issues, and videos of Biden and Harris addressing different topics.

We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.

– thomas jefferson