“Transgender” dogma has jumped to the forefront as a major issue affecting parents and families. “Gender ideology” is pushed by corporations, educators, and politicians. This false ideology is promoted in movies, on television, by news outlets and on social media.
The onslaught has been effective, as almost 20% of Gen Z adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
Here are some key resources – from Focus on the Family and the Daily Citizen – to help parents understand sexual identity confusion; explain to children God’s good design for male and female – and how this is distorted by transgender dogma; and raise children who embrace their God-given masculinity or femininity.
This booklet describes scenarios where you and your family might encounter transgender issues – at school, in private spaces and in your family – and gives guidance for responding with wisdom and grace. The free PDF also helps you understand transgender terminology and ideology and their effects on the culture.
Biblical View on Transgender Identity: A Primer for Parents and Strugglers – This resource gives a biblical perspective on how to handle the challenges those struggling with embracing their God-given sexuality and gender face as well as the challenges parents are facing raising children in an over-sexualized society.
Counseling for Sexual Identity Concerns: A Measured, Careful, and Compassionate approach – A Focus on the Family statement regarding professional therapies.
Helping Children with Gender Identity Confusion – This question-and-answer document offers guidance for parents or family members faced with questions about gender confusion in a child they know and love.
Helping Kids Stand Firm While Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape of Transgenderism – There has been a crucial shift in youth culture, and Christian teens need to understand transgenderism as well as how to respond in love and truth.
Reinforce Your Child’s Sexual Identity – Parents can seize everyday opportunities to affectionately affirm their child about who God made them.
Responding to the Transgender Issue – Parent Resource Guide – This free booklet provides input for families faced with gender activism in public schools as well as descriptions and cautionary information about the “gender affirmative” treatment model that facilitates a child’s “transition.”
Talking to Your Children About Transgender Issues – Transgenderism is tough enough for adults to understand. So when our children encounter these gender-confusing messages, what do we say? This article gives parents guidelines and suggestions for dealing with this difficult topic.
More Help for Parents and Families:
Focus on the Family Transgender Resources – This web page lists many articles, broadcasts and books related to the topic.
Focus on the Family’s Christian Counseling – Focus on the Family offers a one-time complimentary consultation from a Christian perspective. We also offer referrals for licensed Christian counselors in your area.