When Children Encounter ‘LGBT Pride’: Resources for Parents


LGBT pride month is here, and families are bombarded with LGBT flags, clothing and messages. It’s no longer a question of if your children will be exposed to radical ideas about sexuality, but when will they be exposed to these confusing ideas.

How should Christian parents respond?

Focus on the Family and the Daily Citizen have resources to help parents give their children a solid, biblical view of sexuality and navigate these difficult issues with grace, truth and courage.

This free resource helps parents address the topic of homosexuality with children of different ages. The booklet details a variety of real-life scenarios where your children may encounter homosexuality and offers possible responses.


This booklet describes three scenarios where you and your family might encounter transgender issues – at school, in private spaces and in your family – and gives guidance for addressing the issue with wisdom and grace. The free PDF also helps you understand transgender terminology and ideology and their effects on the culture.


Additional Articles:  

Countering the Cultural Confusion: Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Homosexuality

Navigating ‘LGBT Pride Month’ – How Should Parents Respond?

There is No Pride in Denying Reality or the Image of God in Humanity

Digging Deeper:

If you want more information or have more questions about specific LGBT issues, these Focus on the Family web pages have articles, broadcasts and books related to the topic:

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counseling – Focus on the Family offers a one-time complimentary consultation from a Christian perspective. We also offer referrals for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

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