How I Found Jesus Christ Inside my Halloween Bag

Trick or Treat

Those who come to our door tonight will find an extra treat nestled in among the candies of each bag of treats – a Happy Halloween tract. Sure, most of these tracts will be tossed into the trash, but maybe when you discover what happened to me forty-six years ago on this night you will understand why my family tries to shine brightly on one of the darkest nights of the year.

On Halloween night, 1974, I donned a homemade costume (I think I was a clown) and canvassed my neighborhood in Escondido, CA in search of candy. I was ten and in fourth grade. I filled my pillowcase to overflowing with lots of treats, and I remember one elderly lady throwing a little booklet into my bag in addition to the candy she gave me.

I really didn’t think more about the booklet, but when my mother went through my candy to make sure it was all safe she discovered the booklet. It was a religious booklet, and she took the time to read it that evening. It piqued her curiosity about God and inspired her to join a Bible study, and my mother discovered through this Bible study that God loved her despite her sin and that He made a way for her to be reconciled to Him through the sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus. She gave her heart and life to God that day, and my mom’s transformation was noticed immediately by my father, my siblings, and me.

She sat down with me one day soon after her conversion and explained not only her journey but also how I too could be saved. I wanted this. I believed. My own journey of faith has now spanned forty-six years, and my relationship with God is stronger and more alive today. I now draw my nourishment from the living water, and I am blessed to be called God’s adopted son.

God used this one woman’s simple act of obedience to transform four generations of Fitzpatricks! Praise God. So, yes, when the neighborhood children are out collecting their treats tonight, we are committed to presenting them with the best treat of all – the good news of Jesus Christ. Please join in praying for those who are being presented with the gospel on this Halloween night.

Photo from Shutterstock

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