Jeffrey Epstein, Sexual Sin and the One List that Matters Most of All

After months of sordid speculation, a portion of the long-awaited “Epstein Files” was released on Wednesday night in Manhattan’s Federal District Court, triggering yet another round of headlines and stories attempting to make sense of the significance of the now unsealed documents that feature names of prominent individuals.

The late Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex offender and disgraced financier who allegedly orchestrated, among other things, countless sexual liaisons with and for the influential and the powerful. The impetus for the release is a lawsuit being brought by one of the female victims.

Sexual abuse is a tragic crime, and the product of a sinful and fallen world. Scripture is clear that it’s a sin. Sexual crimes distort and destroy God’s intent for human sexuality.

Despite the revelation of the hundred plus names, still unresolved is why they’re listed and what they did, if anything. Whether innocent or not, it’s safe to say none of the individuals named are probably happy about having any association with Jeffrey Epstein.

There’s been plenty of online chatter about who’s on the list, and how several of the individuals named have gone to great lengths to block the release of their names. With the list drop looming, pundits were speculating how the coming reveal was likely ruining the Christmas holidays for many.

That’s because Charles Spurgeon was right when he said, “I would bear any affliction rather than be burdened with a guilty conscience.”

Yet, the presence of this list brings to mind a pressing question facing all of us, and it’s relevant to our everyday lives:

What lists are you on?

Are you on a church roll, a Sunday school or small group roster? What type of associations are you part of – maybe local groups like Rotary or the Lion’s Club?

Perhaps you or a loved one are part of the growing Christian scouting movement, and members of a Trail Life or American Heritage Girls’ troop. Here at Focus on the Family, we have a list of vibrant volunteers who selflessly devote hours each week to the ministry.

You’re likely on plenty of mailing lists, too. If you’re not on the Focus list, we would encourage you to sign up and allow us to serve you and your family. Maybe you sponsor a child with Compassion International, or support Young Life or the Navigators, three terrific sister organizations here in Colorado Springs.

It might surprise you there are over 100,000 people currently on a transplant waiting list. Where they fall on that register might be a matter between life and death.

Our associations matter. They reflect our passions and our priorities. The apostle Paul warned Christian believers in Corinth that “Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor. 15:33).

Of course, the most important list of all to be on is to be named in the Lord’s “Book of Life” which records the names of those who know, love and are committed to Him forever.

Paul mentions it while writing to the church at Philippi (4:3), and we read about it in Revelation: “And all who dwell on earth will worship it (the beast), everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb” (13:8).

Fellowship with Jesus is the very best list of all to be on – and in the end, the only one that matters when it comes to salvation and eternal life.


Image from Getty.

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