Speak Out for Life at Colorado Capitol: Oppose House Bill 1279 Urge Your Senator to Oppose Radical Abortion Bill!

A radical abortion bill – HB22-1279 – is making its way through the Colorado State Assembly.

Pro-life lawmakers in the House filibustered this extreme abortion bill that removes any restrictions on abortion in Colorado. Despite their best efforts, the bill was passed on a party-line vote and has now moved to the Senate for a vote.

This bill is an attack on life in the womb, parental rights and human rights!

If passed, HB22-1279 would:

  • Make abortion on demand legal under Colorado law at any time and for any reason.
  • Declare that preborn babies have no rights under Colorado law.
  • Invalidate all existing laws that limit abortion – like parental notification for minors.
  • Prohibit the creation of any new pro-life laws – like banning late-term abortion.

Pro-abortion activists are pushing for a vote on this measure because they are worried that the US Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade. 

If this bill were to become law, it would be the most radical abortion law in the United States.

HB22-1279 has passed the House and is now being considered by the Senate.

Please consider contacting your senator to urge a no vote. This is the last chance we have as Colorado citizens to engage in the process and share our opposition to this bill.

Make a stand for life! This bill is too extreme for Colorado!

Again, please contact your senator to urge a no vote.

Our friends at the Colorado Catholic Conference have created a list, with phone numbers and emails, of Colorado Senators who are likely to support this bill. Please contact them and ask them to vote NO on HB22-1279.

Preborn babies deserve to be protected under the law – not sentenced to death by it.


Photo from Shutterstock.

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