Alexi McCammond’s Resignation from ‘Teen Vogue’ Shows ‘The Woke’ Don’t Care About Forgiveness

Cancel Culture

Alexi McCammond, who was just about to become the top editor for the online magazine for teenagers, Teen Vogue, has resigned over allegedly racist tweets that she made as an adolescent.

According to Reason, McCammond handed in her resignation “following outrage from staff members—and two advertisers—over some tweets that made fun of Asian people. She wrote them in 2011, when she was a teenager.”

However, Conde Nast, the company that owns Teen Vogue, was already aware of the tweets when it originally hired McCammond. Additionally, she had already apologized for them.

But for the “Woke mob” at Teen Vogue, this was not enough. Despite her previous apology, staff members demanded her resignation anyway.

In a statement announcing her resignation, McCammond apologized (again) for her past remarks.

“My past tweets have overshadowed the work I’ve done to highlight the people and issues that I care deeply about,” she wrote. “I should not have tweeted what I did and I have taken full responsibility for that.”

McCammond also said that she wished the team at Teen Vogue the best in the future and said that she will be “rooting for them.”

An important lesson here is that for many on the Left, an apology and a recognition of wrong is never enough.

The New York Post articulated in a well-worded editorial on the subject that the Left’s standards precludes any pathway to forgiveness and absolution.

“In this world the left has created, there is no path to forgiveness,” The Post wrote. “There is no redemption. There is only smug dismissal. Childhood idiocy makes you a pariah for life.”

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly also commented on this issue, writing on Twitter, “Execs @TeenVogue have fired new editor for tweets from teen years. @nypost says woke culture is unforgiving. I’m grateful Christ offers forgiveness for sins. The gospel of secularism does not. The secular religion of conformity is now running rampant and doing great danger to many.”

As Christians, we can and should be eternally grateful that no matter our past mistakes, our Savior Jesus Christ longs to forgive us for our sins.

In the Gospel of John, we read about the woman caught in adultery whom the scribes and Pharisees expected Jesus to condemn.

In John 8:5, the Pharisees are recorded as saying, “Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus into sentencing the woman to death, or into breaking the law of Moses.

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her,” Jesus replied.

Slowly, the assembled crowd, which had gathered, left one by one.

Then, after the woman told Jesus that no one was left to condemned her, Jesus, full of grace, replied, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

Since all of us struggle with sin in some shape or form, we can all be thankful that, unlike the “Woke mob,” Jesus always gives us another chance.

And that’s some good news for a Friday afternoon.

You can follow this author on Parler @ZacharyMettler

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