BLM at School Week – Indoctrinating and Training Radical Activist Children

We’re smack in the middle of “Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action,” which runs Monday, January 31 to Friday, February 4. The week of action is promoted by BLM at School, which provides lesson plans and resources for schools across the country.
So what are the kids learning? The curriculum is based on the “13 Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles.” Some of these sound good, such as teaching children about empathy or loving engagement with people, but other principles are deeply troubling.
The goal is to transform children into radical activists who will disrupt “Western nuclear family dynamics”; build “women-centered spaces free from sexism, misogyny, and male-centeredness”; pursue globalism and diversity; and “create a space that is family friendly and free from patriarchal practices.”
BLM at School works hard to sexualize children, teaching kindergarten through twelfth grade students to become “Transgender Affirming” and “Queer Affirming.”
“Transgender Affirming is the commitment to continue to make space for our trans siblings by encouraging leadership and recognizing trans-antagonistic violence, while doing the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk,” says BLM at School in its “Starter Kit” for educators.
Dismantling “cisgender privilege” might be a bit much for five-year-old children, so teachers will want to give students the “kid-friendly” version, “Everybody has the right to choose their own gender by listening to their own heart and mind. Everyone gets to choose if they are a girl or a boy or both or neither or something else, and no one else gets to choose for them.”
There’s even a free, downloadable coloring book with a picture of a “transgender” person for kids to color. Proud parents and grandparents might want to post the finished product on their fridge!
Then there’s being “Queer Affirming.” Goals for sixth graders include, “Students will consider the impact/importance of erasure of queer and trans people of color from historical and current narratives.”
In addition, “Students will lift up the work of queer and trans people of color in movements for social resistance and social justice.”
Parents Defending Education explained in a press release that school districts across the country are promoting this activism, including:
- Denver Public Schools in Colorado
- DeKalb County Schools, Georgia
- Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in Illinois
- Jefferson County Public Schools, Kentucky
- Ithaca Public Schools in New York
- Pittsburgh Public Schools, Pennsylvania
- Windham Southeast Supervisory Union, Vermont
- And four districts in Washington State: North Thurston Public Schools, Olympia School District, Seattle Public Schools, and Shoreline Public Schools.
Parents Defending Education also lists the Boston Teachers Union and the National Education Association as supporters of BLM at School. Previous union endorsements have come from the Chicago Teachers Union, the Seattle Education Association and the Maryland State Education Association.
Fox News quoted Parents Defending Education Vice President Asra Nomani who said that “children as young as five years old are being trained how to be political activists.”
“What we are witnessing is state-sponsored political indoctrination, using coloring books, downloadable slide shows and contests to teach a next generation ‘social justice activism,’ in the program’s own words,” Nomani added.
She said, “We need radicalization out of schools, especially as children struggle with learning loss from the pandemic, and reading, writing and arithmetic back in schools.”
It’s important to remember that many teachers love children and are dedicated to passing on subject-matter knowledge to their students – without political and sexual indoctrination.
But many teachers, administrators and teachers unions do have an extremist agenda for children. Parents, and other concerned citizens, should be informed about and engaged with what’s happening in their local schools – and fight this radical, inappropriate ideology when it appears.
Related articles and resources:
Parents Defending Education: ‘Black Lives Matter at School’ in K-12 Classrooms Nationwide in 2022
Is ‘Critical Race Theory’ Being Taught in Public Schools? CRT Deniers Claim it Isn’t
New Tool Helps Parents Fight Education System’s Indoctrination of their Children
Teachers Unions Push Critical Race Theory – Then Deny It
from three posters that BLM makes available for classrooms – from PreK to high school.
’Tis the season for holiday reading!
Check out Daily Citizen’s cheery winter reads.
Jeff Johnston is a culture and policy analyst for Focus on the Family and a staff writer for the Daily Citizen. He researches, writes and teaches about topics of concern to families such as parental rights, religious freedom, LGBT issues, education and free speech. Johnston has been interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning, The New York Times, Associated Press News, The Christian Post, Rolling Stone and Vice, and is a frequent guest on radio and television outlets. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from San Diego State University with a Bachelors in English and a Teaching Credential. He and his wife have been married 30 years and have three grown sons.
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