Daily Headlines | Monday May 23, 2022

Good Morning!
The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once spoke on the importance of a life well-lived. He said, “It is a belief that seems particularly to beset modern society that believing deeply in something, and following that belief, is the most important thing a person can do. I am here to tell you that it is much less important how committed you are than what you are committed to.”
Our first story is a great example of individuals focusing their time and energy on something particularly important in today’s society:
- Women’s Bill of Rights Introduced to Protect Women from Woke Leftists
From The Daily Citizen:
This past Thursday, a group of conservative lawmakers in Congress introduced the Women’s Bill of Rights to protect women from woke left elitists intent on canceling women in a race to be the most progressive in affirming transgender ideology.
This vitally important pro-woman effort is being led by a woman, Representative Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), and has the support of eleven Republican cosponsors.
The resolution, H.Res. 1136, does something so basic and commonsensical that it may seem unnecessary at first – it reaffirms the “legal protections afforded to women under Federal law.”
And yet, in these absurd times, the left is sure to oppose the measure.
So, what exactly could be so offensive to the left about the legislation? Well, for starters, it defines the word “sex” to mean the biological sex recognized at birth – either male or female. Not gender identity or sexual orientation.
It also defines the word “mother” to mean a parent of the female sex. Not chest-feeder or pregnant person.
And probably worst of all, it defines the word “woman.” Yes, it bucks the cultural trend and dares to define the word woman as a biological female. Something even our most recent nominee to the Supreme Court couldn’t do.
- Texas Supreme Court Rules Child Gender Transitions Can Be Investigated AsChild Abuse
From The Daily Wire:
In February, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) directed family protective agencies to begin investigating child gender transition treatments as child abuse. Last week, the Texas state Supreme Court ruled that those investigations may continue, but they won’t be compulsory.
As The Daily Wire previously reported, on February 22, Abbott wrote a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), stating, “The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has now confirmed in the enclosed opinion that a number of so-called ‘sex change’ procedures constitute child abuse under existing Texas law.”
Abbott pointed out that Texas law has mandated reporting standards for professionals like doctors, teachers, and nurses, so this directive made it mandatory for those professionals to report the parents of children who are, as he put it, “subjected to these abusive gender-transitioning procedures.” He also said other state agencies have to investigate licensed facilities where such procedures are thought to occur.
- Pastors and Church Leaders: Please Speak Out About LGBT Issues
From The Daily Citizen:
Has your pastor ever given a sermon about “LGBT Pride Month?”
A week ago, I asked our team that question.
No one could remember ever hearing such a sermon.
Granted, it’s a tiny, anecdotal survey, but it’s rather telling, as we’ve all been in different churches for years, in different cities, and in a wide variety of denominations and independent churches. And these are strong, bible-teaching congregations.
Almost every aspect of our culture is affirming and celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism.
Since this is the case, can pastors and church leaders remain silent?
To be clear: I’m not talking about a sermon railing against LGBT-identified individuals or the depravity of our world.
I’m talking about a serious, thoughtful sermon that helps congregations understand an important issue of our day that is creating great deception and expresses God’s deep love for broken individuals.
Here are three key things a sermon on homosexuality and transgenderism should include.
First, pastors must be clear about God’s design for sexuality.
Second, a good sermon on LGBT issues would acknowledge the effects of sin on humanity.
Third, a sermon about homosexuality and transgenderism would express God’s deep love for those struggling with sexual sin and brokenness – and His plan to rescue them.
- Pelosi’s Abortion Stance Is Out of Communion
From the Wall Street Journal:
Everybody sins, but there is a difference between struggling to get things right and publicly rejecting that struggle altogether. Church law says a Catholic “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin” should not be offered communion because incoherence between life and practice causes spiritual harm.
The focus now shifts to how other bishops will react. Bishop Robert Vasa of Napa Valley, where Mrs. Pelosi has a vacation home, said Friday that the San Francisco ban will apply when she is in his diocese. But it isn’t likely that Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., will uphold the ban. He has compared the prospect of sacramental discipline to a “gun on the table” during dialogue with pro-choice politicians. But dialogue is not always fruitful. And on major moral issues, such as abortion, euthanasia and the death penalty, politics have lasting spiritual importance.
Archbishop Cordileone said this week that when Catholics flout moral reality in political discourse, souls—and lives—hang in the balance. And when souls hang in the balance, pastors have an obligation to act.
- Washington Post Columnist Suggests Baby Formula Shortage Justifies Abortion
From The Daily Citizen:
Poor attempts at justifying abortion are bound to get tired and repetitive after a half-century of lies. So, perhaps it’s not surprising that some on the left are trotting out a new one by trying to exploit the current baby formula shortage.
Washington Post columnist Monica Hesse writes:
With particularly dystopian flair, the formula shortage came to a head around the same time that a draft opinion leaked from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade. On one hand, women would be forced to birth children. But on the other hand, once those children arrive, there might not be food to feed them.
The old political adage, “Never let a crisis go to waste” comes to mind here.
Babies should be aborted so they won’t later starve? Yes, many stores are currently sold out of baby formula – but the government-made problem will be short-lived. While many moms are anxious, and there have been reports of two children being hospitalized, help is on the way. Of course, the “abort to avoid starvation” argument is just another version of the specious argument that babies born into low-income areas are unfairly being relegated to a tragic life of poverty.
The government stepping in to help fix the formula shortage is the equivalent of an arsonist starting a fire – and then claiming credit for helping douse the flames.
House Dems shun primary fight against anti-abortion incumbent
From Politico:
House Democrats have vowed to do whatever it takes to protect abortion rights. But there’s one step many don’t want to consider.
Only a handful of them have endorsed the primary challenger running against Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar — their only colleague who opposes codifying Roe v. Wade into law — in a Tuesday runoff in Texas. And as dozens of House Democrats gathered on the Capitol steps earlier this month to rally support for abortion rights, they really didn’t want to talk about why.
“I don’t have anything to say about that,” said Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.).
Democrats say the dynamic is more complicated than it appears. Even progressive members of Congress point to a myriad of reasons they’ve stayed out of the race despite their urgency to fight for abortion rights — particularly the taboo of challenging incumbents, which can lead to friction and ostracization within the caucus. Others say they’re reluctant to weigh in against a colleague to preserve personal relationships, noting Cuellar’s opposition isn’t the reason Democrats can’t codify Roe.
And several privately acknowledge a political factor, too: They fear that boosting an ultraliberal candidate in Cisneros means the party could be more likely to lose the battleground district in South Texas this fall.
‘Why Did You Choose to Have Me?’: Fox News Host Asks His Mom On-Air Why She Chose Life After Getting Pregnant as a Teen
From CBN:
Fox News host Lawrence Jones asked his mother, Tameria Jones, a question this weekend he had reportedly never posed to her before: “Why did you choose to have me?”
Jones, host of “Lawrence Jones Cross Country,” asked his on-air question amid an intense national debate over abortion and the U.S. Supreme Court’s impending decision on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. The Dobbs decision could overturn nationalized abortion set in motion by the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973.
“When you were 16, and you decided to give up basketball and all the fun, why did you choose to have me?” he asked.
Tameria openly and candidly spoke about how she didn’t think twice about having Jones after discovering she was pregnant as a young teen.
- 3 Air Force Academy cadets who refused vaccine won’t be commissioned
From CBS News:
Three cadets set to graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy who have refused the COVID-19 vaccine will not be commissioned as military officers, the academy said Saturday. The cadets will still earn their bachelors degrees, according to the academy.
Academy spokesman Dean Miller said that a fourth cadet who had refused the vaccine until about a week ago decided to get vaccinated and will graduate and become an Air Force officer.
In a statement, Miller said that while the other three will receive their degrees, “they will not be commissioned into the United States Air Force as long as they remain unvaccinated.” He added that a decision on whether to require the three to reimburse the United States for education costs in lieu of service will be made by the secretary of the Air Force.
- Christian alternatives to scouting programs on the rise
From the Colorado Springs Gazette:
While traditional scouting programs for children and teens have seen declining membership nationwide in recent years for reasons including policy changes, Christian alternative groups say they are rapidly gaining participants.
Trail Life USA for boys ages 5-17 has become so popular that there’s a waiting list in Colorado Springs and other cities, the organization’s CEO, Mark Hancock, said in a recent interview.
“It makes a difference to parents to be Christian centered,” he said. “Troops locally are bursting at the seams. Some have had to restrict membership because there wasn’t enough room.”
Hancock came to Colorado Springs last month to tape a radio broadcast with Jim Daly, president of Christian media conglomerate Focus on the Family. American Heritage Girls founder and executive director Patti Garibay also taped a segment.
About 30 local members of Trail Life and American Heritage Girls, a Christian variation on Girl Scouts of the USA, attended the session. Called “A Safe Place for Girls to Grow Up as Women,” the latter program is set to air July 25, according to a Focus on the Family spokesperson.
The Trail Life USA broadcast, “A Strong Place for Boys to Grow Up as Men,” will air July 26.
- Mothers spend 97 hours weekly on parenting tasks — equivalent to six-figure job!
From Study Finds:
If mothers were asked to put together a job advertisement for, well, being a mom, after the results of a recent survey, it just might look like this:
Now Hiring! Work From Home! Position requires strong ability to multitask. The successful applicant will be able to plan and prepare nutritious meals, while maintaining mountains of clean laundry. She can provide tutoring, nursing, counseling and therapy sessions on an as-needed basis. In addition, applicants should be available for various event-planning activities, including birthday parties. The position involves staying up-to-date on all recommended practices of child development, including, but not limited to temper tantrums and adolescent awkwardness. Sleeping and eating not guaranteed for employees. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license or organize reliable transportation. Expect to work an average of 97 hours per week for 52 weeks per year. Pay range: $0 to $0 DOQ. Fringe benefits: priceless.
Yes, motherhood entails a list of responsibilities that could go on and on. According to a survey of 2,000 mothers raising school-aged children (ages 5 to 18), moms spend nearly 100 hours a week on parenting tasks — even if it means sacrificing sleep and “me time.” The poll, commissioned by Campbell’s Well Yes! Sipping Soups just in time for Mother’s Day, found no fewer than 15 different hats a mom wears, from chef to financial advisor. It’s no wonder the job goes well beyond a 40-hour workweek!
- The dangers of the prosperity gospel
From The Christian Post:
The doctrine of the prosperity gospel states that material wealth and possessions are the right of every Christian. It states that if correct spiritual practices are followed, those who profess Christ are guaranteed prosperity in this life. However, it is Jesus who tells us that “you cannot serve God and money” (Matthew 6:24).
One would have expected that the word “devil” would have been used by Christ instead of the word “money,” but He knew that devil-worship cannot be as appealing as worshipping God. When it comes to money, that’s a different story. In the same verse, Jesus gave us two choices: to love God and hate money, or hate God and love money. The enemy cleverly introduced the worship of money into our churches through the concept of the prosperity gospel.
The prosperity gospel promotes idolatry. Through the messages preached in some churches, money has become the object of worship with God being nothing more than a means to an end. The reason why some people identify as Christians today is that they were told that coming to Jesus would make them rich.
- A To-Do List for the Class of ’22
From the Wall Street Journal:
If all goes well, you’re about to begin a job—you better, there are now five million more jobs than job seekers. “Influencer” doesn’t really count, but congrats anyway. You’ll figure out how to do well, get promoted, earn raises. Of course, there are always shortcuts—maybe cut some corners, trade in a bit of integrity to move ahead. Don’t do it! In this ever-connected world, everyone will find out. Everyone. People will stop dealing with you, and you’ll never really know why. Bad reputations are hard to shake.
Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen warns against falling in with everyone else and supporting “the current thing.” Think carbon footprints, BLM, Stop the Steal, masks. He tweets, “the good of society demands that opponents of the current thing be fired and ostracized” even though “the current thing is eternal, yet utterly of the moment.” You don’t want “follower” or “sheep” as your brand either.
Take risks—but smart ones. You want a reputation as someone who is bold. Ambitious. Forward thinking. Trustworthy. And don’t forget appreciative, thanking those who help along the way. Plus, while most people complain about every little thing wrong in this world, it’s better to be known as untriggerable instead of as a melting snowflake, the opposite of college. Oh, don’t get me wrong, you’re going to be offended every day, guaranteed. Something or someone is going to annoy you. Keep it to yourself and then use it as motivation, as fuel to drive toward your goals. If you’re ever satisfied, you’re done for.
One truism I’ve learned is that people don’t trust their own opinions about people. But they’ll listen to others. Talk behind your back can kill, but just as easily enhance your reputation. Go out of your way to be helpful. Be kind. It will pay off in strange ways. Cultivate your reputation far and wide. I know you’re up for it. That smartphone superglued to your hand helped train you for this.
Unlike your recent finals, the real world is hard. Reputations are made and lost by what’s heard on the grapevine. Honesty and integrity are the coin of the realm. Don’t be in a situation where you have to stop, drop and roll. Success is not about money, it’s about respect from your peers. Everything else follows. You can stake your reputation on it.
’Tis the season for holiday reading!
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