Protect Kids California is working overtime to gather enough signatures to put an initiative on November’s ballot that would protect parental rights, girls sports and children in the Golden State.

As previously reported by the Daily Citizen, the ballot initiative:

  • Requires schools to notify parents regarding children’s mental health concerns identified in school settings, including gender identification issues.
  • Protects girls restrooms, showers, locker rooms and sports from boys who claim to be female.
  • Prevents the sterilization of children by prohibiting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, mastectomies and genital surgeries for minors.

It’s crucial that all Christians and other citizens of good will across the country support the signature gathering-effort for this initiative that safeguards parents’ rights and children. The group seeks to gather 850,000 signatures by May 15, 2024.

But California Attorney General Rob Banta opposes the measure, and he changed the name of the “Protect Kids of California Act of 2024.” Bonta deceptively labeled it the “Restricts Rights of Transgender Youth” initiative.

Bonta has demonstrated that he opposes the act, bringing lawsuits against school districts that notify parents about a child’s sexual identity confusion. He issued a legal alert warning earlier this year, saying:

Unconstitutional school policies that forcibly out and endanger the psychological and emotional well-being of transgender and gender-nonconforming students have no place in our classrooms.

The legal warning paints parents as a threat to their children and says notifying them about significant changes going on with their children violates “students’ civil rights.”

He also joined other state attorneys general in an amicus brief supporting a boy in Indiana who wants to play on a girls softball team, saying the law protecting girls sports is “discriminatory, unlawful, and deeply appalling.”

The Liberty Justice Center and the Law Office of Nicole C. Pearson, Facts Law Truth Justice, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Protect Kids California, alleging:

Rob Bonta failed to uphold his duty to Californians and violated the law when he provided a factually inaccurate, misleading, and biased title to a proposed ballot initiative – rather than a neutral title and summary as required under California law.

The initiative is incredibly important in the battle to protect children and families, as attorney and parent’s advocate Erin Friday pointed out in an interview, saying:

California started this [gender craze], California has to end it. We influence every other state in the union.

Friday, a member of the executive team advocating for the measure, grew alarmed after her seventh grade daughter was exposed to false gender ideology in a “comprehensive sex-ed class.”

She explained that it is critical for Californians, and parents in every other state, to stop this indoctrination of children:

It’s so important that we kill gender ideology in California.

And we can, oddly, even though California is so crazy liberal. The people can do it. We’ve got a [referendum] ballot initiative that will stop boys in girls’ sports. It’ll stop the secret transition of children at school, and it will stop gender [medicine] interventions on children. This is a ballot initiative that is polling between 64 and 75 per cent [sic] in California.

A short YouTube video from Protect Kids California gives petition signing instructions, as does the petition itself, when downloaded. The organization also offers the opportunity to stay informed and volunteer, lists signature-gathering events, and sells yard signs, posters, hoodies, t-shirts and other merchandise to promote the ballot measure.

Signature-gathering events are taking place across California, at venues such as churches, car shows, conventions, and gun shows.

But it’s not just Californians who can get involved. It’s vital for Christians and all responsible citizens to support Protect Kids California and help place this initiative on the ballot.

Here are a few action ideas for those who want to support the act:

  1. Pray for the “Protect Kids of California Act of 2024” to get on the ballot and to pass in November.
  2. Forward this article to California friends and family, letting them know about this signature drive and encouraging them to sign the petition to get the measure on the ballot.
  3. On social media, follow groups and individuals supporting the drive – and like and forward their posts.
  4. Gathering signatures is expensive – donate to Protect Kids California and  other groups supporting this initiative.

Getting this measure on the ballot is the first step. The next step is winning the election in November. The Daily Citizen will follow the proposed act and keep you updated about progress.

Related articles and resources:

Protect Kids California – “Protect Kids of California Act of 2024

California Family Council – Interview with Erin Friday, “California’s Parent Notification Policy: AB 1314 and How It All Started

Changed Movement

Daily Citizen:

American College of Pediatricians: No Benefits From ‘Gender-Affirming’ Interventions

California Could Become Destination State for ‘Transgender’ Procedures for Children – Courts Instructed to Ignore Parental Rights

California Legislation Lets Courts Take Custody from Parents of Minors Who Seek ‘Transgender’ Treatments

Time for Christians to Step Up and Protect Parental Rights and Children in California


Image credit: Protect Kids California