Girls Just Wanna Have Privacy: Mom Files Complaint About Male in Girl’s Locker Room

A Chicago mom filed a complaint with the Justice Department after school administrators allegedly tried to force her 13-year-old daughter to change clothes in the locker room – while a male student was present.

Nicole Georgas spoke out against the incident at a Deerfield School District 109 School Board meeting on March 13, 2025, a meeting which was packed with transgender activists and their allies.

Georgas began by explaining what she wanted from the board, saying, “I’m here to demand that the locker rooms at District 109 be designated as biological male and biological female, as there already is a gender neutral option. The girls want their locker rooms and bathrooms back. They want their privacy back.”

Georgas then described the events at Alan B. Shepard Middle School that led her to testify.

My 13-year old daughter’s well-being and mental health and privacy are at stake.

This nightmare began on February 5th when my daughter was using the girl’s bathroom and was stunned that a biological male student was using it as well. She came home frightened and was extremely upset.

I asked her to talk with her teachers and find out more information. She was told by the administration that the [male] student can use the bathroom as well as a female locker room because they now identify as female.

Transgender-identified activists and their allies filled the room, booing and heckling this brave mom, shouting about “children” and their “genitals.”

The activists, who oppose privacy and safety for girls, also spoke to the board. One radical glared threateningly at Georgas, claiming that “trans students” were targeted “by an organization that weaponizes religion to push the white supremacist agenda of their cis white husbands.”

“Cisgender” is a nonsense term, made up by trans activists, to signify healthy people who accept their God-given male or female bodies.

Chicago’s Morning Answer radio show broke the story, and posted Georgas’ testimony.

The school’s transgender policy follows guidance from the Illinois Department of Human Rights, based on The Illinois Human Rights Act, passed in 1979, “providing for broad civil rights coverage for the people of Illinois.” The Act was expanded in 2006 “to include ‘sexual orientation’ as a distinct protected class and ‘gender-related identity’ within the definition of ‘sexual orientation.’”

According to the guidance,

Use of restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms may not be restricted based upon a student’s physical anatomy or chromosomal sex. A student must be permitted to access restrooms or bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms that align with their gender-related identity and without having to provide documentation or other proof of gender.

Basically, any male student can claim to identify as female and use the girls restrooms, locker rooms and showers, regardless of a girl’s feelings, as the Department of Human Rights goes on to explain,

Under the [Human Rights] Act, the discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of facilities based on a student’s gender-related identity. …

[T]here is no right that insulates a student from coming in contact with others who are different than them or a Bathroom Privacy Act, unless the behavior violates a school policy or is criminal.

Georgas went on to say that the school emailed her and the principal phoned her. The school’s legal counsel advised that “the [male] student could use both the [girls] locker room and bathroom.”

She then explained that the school was violating federal policy, pointing to the Trump administration’s executive order “restricting biological males from participating in girls sports and accessing female locker rooms.”

That same day, Georgas said, “I filed a civil rights complaint on behalf of my daughter with the Department of Justice. It has now been referred to the Department of Education.”

The situation then went “from bad to worse,” Georgas explained that, “A few days later, the male student was present in the girls locker room. Feeling violated, the girls made the choice to not change into their PE clothes with a biological male student present.”

The next day, the assistant principal pulled the girls into her office to question them, and then the superintendent, the assistant principle, and “multiple teachers all came into the girls locker room, making them change into uniform.”

“This went on all week,” she said.

Her daughter would not comply.

“She is not changing for the remainder of the year, and she is not changing into another [P.E.] class,” her mom stated, adding,

“The girls just want their privacy, and they want their locker room back. …”

“This is my daughter’s story and the story of many other young girls who have been forced at the difficult age to do something they know – and most adults know – is wrong.”

We are thankful for women like Nicole Georgas who speak out – and take action – on behalf of girls’ privacy and safety. May she prevail in her complaint.

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