President Trump: ‘There are Only Two Genders: Male and Female’

During his inaugural address, President Trump stated, “As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.”

The simple declaration of truth brought resounding applause from the audience in the Capitol Rotunda.

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly issued a statement agreeing with Trump’s pronouncement, saying:

In the very first chapter of Genesis, we read that “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Any revolution of common sense must include an acknowledgement of this fundamental truth.
While we’re disappointed that it’s even necessary, we’re grateful that on his first day in office, President Donald J. Trump has prioritized this reality by issuing an executive order restating the obvious.

Daly referenced the order signed by Trump later on Inauguration Day: Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government, adding, “We are long overdue in this effort to reestablish the exclusivity of two genders, thereby protecting our children and serving America’s families.”

The order first explains:

Across the country, ideologues who deny the biological reality of sex have increasingly used legal and other socially coercive means to permit men to self-identify as women and gain access to intimate single-sex spaces and activities designed for women, from women’s domestic abuse shelters to women’s workplace showers. This is wrong.  
Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being. The erasure of sex in language and policy has a corrosive impact not just on women but on the validity of the entire American system.  

The directive goes on to state, “Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to scientific inquiry, public safety, morale, and trust in government itself,” adding:

Invalidating the true and biological category of “woman” improperly transforms laws and policies designed to protect sex-based opportunities into laws and policies that undermine them, replacing longstanding, cherished legal rights and values with an identity-based, inchoate social concept.

Indeed. As men who “identify as women” take opportunities from women in education, sports and other arenas, women’s legal rights are trampled. In addition, their privacy and safety are at risk when men who claim to be women enter women’s private spaces, such as restrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms.

Gender ideology has caused untold damage to individuals and families, as transgender medical interventions cause great harm to the healthy bodies of those suffering from sexual identity confusion.

Young children are regularly sexualized and confused in schools that promote this ideology. And free speech and religious freedom have been assaulted by laws promoted by gender activists and their allies.

Trump stated that his administration “will defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male.”

The executive order clearly states what the president articulated in his speech:

It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality. …
“Sex” shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.”

Federal agencies are directed by the order to “enforce laws governing sex-based rights, protections, opportunities, and accommodations,” adding:

Each agency should therefore give the terms “sex”, “male”, “female”, “men”, “women”, “boys” and “girls” the meanings set forth in … this order when interpreting or applying statutes, regulations, or guidance and in all other official agency business, documents, and communications.

The directive forbids federal funds from being “used to promote gender ideology” and it directs agencies to “ensure that males are not detained in women’s prisons or housed in women’s detention centers.”

It directs the attorney general “to ensure that no Federal funds are expended for any medical procedure, treatment, or drug for the purpose of conforming an inmate’s appearance to that of the opposite sex.”

Activists fighting gender ideology and its harmful effects were quick to applaud the president’s statements and actions. In a post on X, women’s rights activist Riley Gaines noted that Trump was keeping promises made during his campaign.

Dr. Colin M. Wright, an evolutionary biologist who has written widely on the scientific and logical problems with current gender ideology, posted that the new administration’s actions will likely bring opposition. Then he stated, “But when they put reality on trial, it won’t end well for them.”

Gender ideology doesn’t change the truth that there are only two sexes – male and female. We’re grateful for this administration’s return to sanity and common sense.

Related articles and resources:

ADF: Victory for women, girls: Federal court rejects Biden admin redefinition of ‘sex’ in Title IX across country

Biden Becomes Nation’s Most Powerful Trans Activist With Executive Order

Court Rules Against DOE’s Title IX Rewrite, Saving Women’s Sports & Spaces – For Now

Even Hard-Boiled Evolutionists are Standing Strong Against Gender Madness

How to Respond to “Trans” and Gender Ideology? Simple: Live Not by Lies

How the “Trans” and Gender Redefinition Issue Attacks the Family

How Science and Faith Can Defeat Gender Ideology – Parts One and Part Two

Transgender Resources

Why Christians Can’t Avoid the “Trans” and Gender Redefinition Issue

What Does it Mean to Be Trans Anyway?

Image from Getty.

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