March for Life Announces 2021 Theme – Together Strong, Life Unites

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On September 10, Jeanne Mancini, head of the March for Life announced that the theme for the 2021 event would be: Together Strong, Life Unites.

Every January, come rain, shine or snowy weather, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children from across the country attend March for Life in Washington D.C. The annual pro-life event continues the fight for life and commemorates the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This year will be the organization’s 48th March, and it attracts people from all walks of life and various faiths.

Jeanne Mancini, who has been the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund since 2012, shared, “The March is the largest human rights demonstration annually in the world…It’s a very positive, very, very peaceful protest. So why do we march? We march to build a culture of life, we march to end abortion, we march to enact positive legislation, but we march so that abortion is unthinkable.”

To help announce the theme for the year, Jeanne and her co-host David Bereit, the former CEO of 40 Days for Life, held a virtual event with members of the Catholic and evangelical community, all of whom are passionate about life.

Jim Daly, CEO and President of Focus on the Family, opened the event with a prayer. He said, “Dear Heavenly Father, rarely, if ever, has there been a movement close to your heart like the defense of human life. We ask you to bless the March for Life campaign, 2021…Lord, we are united on the cause for life. And, again Lord, bless this effort.”

Dr. Alveda King, one of the quests, asked the audience, “I’m voting for life in 2020, how about you?”

“When it comes to the intrinsic value of human life, our hearts are knit together because we know, particularly as women, that every person matters. We’re created in God’s image and after His likeness, and we must protect life,” Penny Nance, of Concerned Women for America, shared.

One of the most powerful moments came from Ryan Bomberger, co-founder of the Radiance Foundation. He said, “Life is the most basic civil right. Without life, nothing else matters. Without life, no other rights matter. We hear about fighting for civil rights, and I’m 100% for that, but who deserves civil rights? The answer is very simple, everybody. Whether you’re born or unborn. Whether you’re planned or unplanned. Whether you’re red, yellow, black, brown or white, every human life deserves the most basic civil right.

“You know, I was conceived in rape, but I was adopted in love. There are many that say I should have been aborted, that I should’ve been denied the most basic right. But the circumstances of our conception don’t change the condition of our worth. So, I’m going to fight for the most vulnerable, the most marginalized, the most defenseless because I had this radical notion as an adoptee, adopted into the most multi-racial, multi-ethnic family of 15 and a father of four, two are adopted, that every human life has purpose.”

The March for Life team also announced that Matthew West would be performing for the event. West said, “This is going to be awesome. I’m going to invite you to join me and thousands of pro-life marchers, standing up and using our voices for the voiceless because we know that every life matters.”

At the conclusion of the event, Mancini announced that the theme for the March for Life 2021 is Together Strong, Life Unites. Inspiration for the theme was taken from Mother Teresa, who said, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot—together we can do great things.”

Expanding on why they chose this theme, Mancini said, “Abortion divides. Abortion divides mothers from their children and divides mothers from fathers. It divides families from a supportive society. And it divides culture from reality. Building a culture of life strengthens, it unites our world. And our world is definitely in need of that strength and uniting spirit.”

The National March for Life is scheduled for January 29, 2021 in Washington D.C.

Photo from Shutterstock


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