Cultural Giants

I have always had difficulty understanding this story: The children of Israel had survived 400 years of Egyptian bondage and then...
A women holding a positive pregnancy test

The Debate Over ‘The Morning After Pill’ Explained

Is it truly contraception or it is abortion? The debate over the “morning after pill” may hinge on a single...
question marks

How Did We Get To This Gender-Confused Place?

Recently, a friend told me she was at the Denver International Airport and intended to use the women’s restroom. Before...
Grandmother with her two grandaughters

Do ‘Gender Identity’ Laws Affect Me and My Family?

You may say to yourself, “I don’t live in one of those liberal states, so laws privileging “gender identity” don’t...
The gender wheel

Who is Included in the ‘Transgender Umbrella?’

Those who agree with the “gender identity” movement will often say things like, “Gender is what’s in your brain; being...
Little boy looking at his face in the mirror

What is “Gender Identity”?

What is “gender identity”? Christians know God created humanity in His image and likeness ― male and female. Science likewise...