They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. That’s especially true of 3D/4D ultrasound technology that clearly shows the truth – life begins in the womb.

According to The New York Post, a routine ultrasound scan of a 32-week-old preborn baby in Xanxere, Brazil “captured the incredible moment an unborn baby appeared to smile at the sound of her father’s voice.”

“The baby is definitely listening if the family talks at home… and they will begin to identity them,” the doctor who performed the ultrasound scan explained.

You can watch the cute video below:

Indeed, 32-week-old preborn babies can easily hear and recognize their father’s voice. According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “By 22 weeks the [baby’s] inner ear has developed. The baby [can] move after hearing a loud, low-pitched sound, such as her father’s voice.”

Truly, preborn babies are just as human – and just as alive – as you and me.

Yet, some pro-abortion advocates argue that babies aren’t alive. How can we respond to that idea? Enter the SLED Test.

Pro-abortion arguments commonly revolve around a preborn baby’s:

  • Size
  • Level of Development
  • Environment
  • Degree of Dependency

And yet, a person’s humanity – and their right to life – do not depend on any of the four factors above. Consider:

  • Size. Is a two-year-old more alive, or more human, than a two-month-old simply because they are larger? Of course not.
  • Level of Development. Is a twelve-year-old more alive than a two-year-old just because they are more developed? The answer is clearly, no.
  • Environment. Does a person’s value or worth change upon what environment they are in (i.e. whether they are in the womb, or outside it)? Again, no.
  • Degree of dependency. Is a person’s value determined by whether they depend on others for life? Is a severely disabled person, completely dependent upon others, less alive than those who are not? No.

Remember the SLED Test when someone argues that abortion is permissible because preborn babies are too small, aren’t yet developed, are inside their mother’s womb, or are unviable without their mother.

None of those four factors change the reality that preborn babies are human beings, worth protecting and worthy of life.

Ultrasound scans that produce clear, crisp images of preborn babies are powerful; they bring the reality of preborn human life to mothers and fathers in a profound way.

That’s why at Focus on the Family, we’ve been hard at work equipping pregnancy resource centers with 3D/4D ultrasound machines to save mothers and babies from abortion. Many women considering abortion change their mind after seeing their baby on a screen. In fact, since beginning the Option Ultrasound Program in 2004, Focus has helped save over half a million lives.

In her courageous speech at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 3, 1994, Mother Theresa decried the evil of abortion.

I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. …

Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

Indeed, pro-life supporters won’t rest until preborn babies are protected and abortion is made unthinkable. Every innocent human life is valuable and worth defending.

Through the Option Ultrasound Program, our goal is to save one million babies by 2025. Just $60 will save a life through Option Ultrasound. Will you partner with us to save lives from abortion?

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and want to learn more about your options, visit My Choice Network.

To learn how to defend life, consider purchasing author Randy Alcorn’s book Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments; you can also read Scott Klusendorf’s book The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.

Related articles and resources:

Option Ultrasound Life Advocate

My Choice Network

Counseling Consultation & Referrals

I’m Pregnant, Now What?

Dealing With Unplanned Pregnancy

The SLED Test – Four Top Arguments

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Photo from YouTube.