So Which Is True: The LGBT Community is Under Siege, Or Powerful Enough to Coerce Corporate America?

Two opinion pieces in the gay news outlet The Advocate demonstrate the contradictory, oxymoronic viewpoints presented by LGBT activists.

The first op-ed, “This Pride, the LGBTQ+ Community Is in Crisis,” was written by Joni Madison at the opening of “pride month,” when seemingly all of America is wrapped in the ever-expanding colors of the homosexual and transgender movement.

But no, not for Madison, the interim president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBT activist organization in the U.S., with total 2021 revenue of $71 million.

For her, LGBT-folks are a perpetually victimized class. She writes about “millions of LGBTQ+ people whose rights and lives – right now – are under attack.”

She cites legislation that shields children and teens from being irrevocably damaged by drugs, hormones and surgeries – what she calls “medically necessary care” – and says, “These attacks are horrific.”

Efforts to protect privacy and safety in showers, restrooms and locker rooms mean, for Madison, “Our LGBTQ+ community is in crisis. We are living in a state of emergency.”

She references laws that protect parental rights, keep children from being sexualized and confused in schools, and preserve women’s sports for actual women, saying these are “part of a coordinated campaign to erode the foundational rights of our democracy.”

Yes. Democracy is at stake:

From our right to abortion access to our right to participate in our democracy, from our freedom of speech to our freedom of information, our rights are being eroded.

With pride month in full swing in every city in America, one wonders where LGBT voices are being muzzled or which gay- and transgender-identified people are prevented from voting.

She writes:

They’re bullying children and terrorizing families. They’re spreading propaganda and lies attacking our community. They’re trying to censor those they disagree with. For our trans and nonbinary family, particularly Black trans women, they are pouring gasoline on a wildfire of stigma, discrimination, and violence.

And who is “they”?

Madison says, “This is the vision of a white nationalist America — where identity is immutable and hierarchal, where more freedoms for some mean fewer freedoms for others.”

But is this reality?

Just a week after describing LGBT-identified folks as a powerless, oppressed minority, Madison wrote another op-ed for The Advocate, where she touted her organization’s huge success in strongarming corporate America into saluting the pride flag and supporting LGBT ideology.

And, she explained, this beleaguered, victimized minority is demanding (her term) even more from businesses and law firms.

Every year HRC releases a “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI), where it rates companies on their support for homosexuality and transgenderism. In 2013, when the CEI started, only 13 companies had a rating of 100.

In 2022, with the bar being raised higher and higher, “a record-breaking 842 businesses met all the criteria to earn a 100 percent rating and the designation of being a 2022 ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality.”

Just to be clear, these aren’t mom and pop, small-town businesses supporting LGBT ideology and activism. The CEI 2022 reports:

Companies rated in the CEI include Fortune magazine’s 500 largest publicly traded businesses (Fortune 500), American Lawyer magazine’s top 200 revenue-grossing law firms (AmLaw 200), and hundreds of mid- to large-sized businesses that are publicly- or privately-held.

To receive a 100 rating from HRC, corporations and law firms must, among other criteria:

  • Have workforce protections that include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression.”
  • Offer health and other benefits for same-sex and opposite-sex spouses and domestic partners.
  • Provide health coverage for transgender individuals without any exclusions.
  • Support an “inclusive culture” and practice “social responsibility.”
  • Require diversity trainings that include “gender identity and sexual orientation.”
  • Have “gender transition guidelines with supportive restroom, dress code and documentation guidance.”

Other requirements include actively recruiting LGBT employees, marketing products for LGBT-identified folks, and supporting at least one activist organization.

But in 2023, Madison informs us, it will be even tougher for corporations to receive a score of 100, and they won’t automatically be given the “Best Place to Work” title when they do so.

HRC, representing this supposedly subjugated group of individuals, wants more from big business.

She explains:

Companies earning this distinction must have a 100 on the CEI and will need to be bar setters for how companies can do even more — from taking a stand in the public square against elected officials harming LGBTQ+ youth to mitigating the harm of their products and services on our community. Importantly, to receive this award, they will need to be nominated by their workers.

The new requirements include providing adoption assistance, in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy benefits for “same- and different-sex” couples.

Firms will have to provide puberty blockers for youth and coverage for transgender surgeries – along with medical leave, travel and lodging. Such procedures include hair removal, tracheal shaves, facial feminization, voice modification surgery and therapy, and “lipoplasty/filling for body masculinization or feminization.”

There’s much more, but be assured, “While we are raising the bar and hoping to challenge employers, the CEI has always been and will remain: Fair, Transparent, and Attainable.”

No doubt corporate America will fall all over itself kowtowing to the demands of this oppressed, powerless group.

Related articles and resources:

Chick-fil-A and LGBT Activists – What More Do Protestors Want?

Human Rights Campaign Releases Report Showing Enormous Corporate Support for LGBT-Identified Individuals


Photo from Shutterstock.

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