Watch This Perfect Response to Gender Ideology


Pierre Poilievre, a current Canadian MP and soon-to-be Prime Minister, gave the world the perfect response to the gender madness being forced upon all of us.

He was recently asked by a Toronto reporter if he would follow President Trump’s lead in having the government recognize only two sexes. The reporter had no idea what he was stepping into.

Poilievre calmly and kindly responded, “Well, I don’t know. Do you have any other genders you’d like to name?”

Poilievre confidently continued, “Well, I am not aware of any other genders than men and women. If you have any others you want me to consider, you can tell me right now.”

Of course, the reporter could not because there are no others. You can see the brilliant exchange below:

Strong, common-sense leaders who are not afraid to dismantle nonsense in such a manner are the order of the day. We need more leaders to stand up.

Remember: If we can’t speak sensibly about male and female, we can’t speak sensibly about the family.

Related articles and resources:

What Does it Mean to Be Trans, Anyway?

Yes, Transgenderism is a False Belief System

The Embarrassing Crack-Up of the LGBT Project

Do Not Fall for the ‘Affirm Them or They Will Die’ Lie

How to Defeat Gender Ideology, Protect Children and End ‘Trans America’

New Research Confirms Previous Findings: Most Gender Confused Kids Desist

The Shifting Ground of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

How the “Trans” and Gender Redefinition Issue Attacks the Family

How to Respond to “Trans” and Gender Ideology? Simple: Live Not by Lies

Are Sex and Gender Different Things?

No, Trans Rights Are Certainly NOT Human Rights

Image from Shutterstock.

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