There is No Pride in Denying Reality or the Image of God in Humanity

We are now constantly reminded that June is so-called “pride month” and everyone is expected to take note, happily get on the bandwagon and celebrate accordingly. But how can pride month be starting when last year’s pride month never really ended? LGBT pride has now gone yearlong, literally 365. The ideology is constantly being forced upon us and our children at regular turns. Who doesn’t feel just like this anymore?
Regardless, it must be declared that there is no pride whatsoever in redefining and denying reality. This is precisely what the gender ideology behind pride month and every presentation of its flag does.
Here is the unavoidable truth: Humanity, across the great diversity of human culture and time, exists as male and female. Those are the only two options. Whenever or wherever you met a person, that person is either male or female, and they were born as such. This is certainly not just a traditional, conservative or Christian ideal. It is a universal truth, an objective biological fact.
It was not long ago that leading progressive French feminist philosopher Sylvaine Agacinski wrote assertively and unapologetically in her book The Parity of the Sexes,
One is born a girl or boy, one becomes woman or man.
The human species is divided in two, and, like most other species, in two only. This division, which includes all human beings without exception, is thus a dichotomy. In other words, every individual who is not man is woman. There is no third possibility. … Humankind does not exist outside this double form, masculine and feminine.
This is so obvious it hardly needs saying. And it certainly was not controversial when she wrote these words to her very progressive audience not that long ago.
But pride month and allyship with LGBT ideology demands we all reject this fundamental human truth, something no reasonable person can do.
In fact, they declare this common-sense, basic biological fact not only wrong, but one of the greatest evils of our times: It is transphobic and threatens the very lives of young people. Of course, neither accusation is true. Both accusations are meant to bully us into submission, and they have been quite effective.
“Non-binary” is not a thing. There is no third, fifth, twelfth, or seventieth gender. A woman cannot become a man or vice versa. No one is born in the wrong body. God does not make mistakes. The family and the future of humanity are founded upon male and female. Pride month and the ideology behind it categorically reject all of this.
Everyone who virtue signals their support for pride and the never-ending evolution into oblivion of the pride flag is indicating their opposition to basic human reality. This is why opposition to pride month is not merely a conservative or reactionary take. It is an obligation to basic logic.
As atheistic evolutionary biologist Colin Wright puts it, resisting gender ideology is “reality’s last stand.” To go along with it is to believe what we know is not real. That is the definition of delusion.
As we see pride month celebrated at our work, our schools, by our own loved ones and across nearly all public spaces, we must recognize the following:
- If we cannot speak objectively about what male and female are, we cannot speak reasonably about what humanity is.
- If we cannot speak objectively about what male and female are, we cannot speak reasonably about human dignity and well-being. Anything else is just make-believe posing as reality, which is never healthy for adult behavior.
- If we cannot speak objectively about what male and female are, we cannot speak reasonably about marriage and the family. The family is generated and sustained by what only male and female are able to create together: the future of humanity itself.
Being male or female is what it means to be human and have a human future. Pride month exists to challenge this fact on its face. That is why there is nothing virtuous in the celebration and all reasonable people must lovingly and firmly resist it.
A Christian Worldview Also Requires Opposing Pride Month
Christians have an even greater reason beyond basic common sense and biology for resisting every angle of pride month. Our reason is surely rooted in common sense and basic biology because of where both of these originate, in God Himself.
We must ask: What is God’s image in the created world?
In the first chapter of the first book of Scripture (Genesis 1:26, ESV), God declares He wanted to create something wholly unique in the world that reveals His own image and likeness. God tells us this something is humanity created in God’s goodness as male and female.
So God created [mankind] in His own image,
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
The first time we read about male and female, it is not merely in reference just to Adam and Eve. It is actually in reference to God’s very image and likeness manifest in the created order.
God is telling us that His own image and likeness and humanity’s maleness and femaleness have an extremely important and mysterious inter-relationship. The latter is the only thing in creation that reflects the former. This profound truth is the first thing Scripture teaches us about humans as male and female and it is unspeakably profound. Jesus later affirmed this truth in the gospels of Matthew and Mark.
So, whenever the nature of male and female are attacked or redefined, as pride month and gender ideology do, every Christian must fully appreciate that it is the very image and likeness of God Himself that is being attacked. Pride month and gender ideology attack the image of God. This is no small thing and something no Christian can pretend does not matter, much less support.
Christians must have the eyes to see and ears to hear the spiritual and practical implications of what is happening here with this contemporary effort to bring confusion about what it means to be male and female in the world today. It is why no Christian can avoid or hope this issue will just go away.
It is nothing less than Satan whispering in the ears of our generation … and to our children,
God is wrong. Male and female are not His divine image. They can be whatever you want them to be. And God is certainly not good in giving you your male or female body. You will only be happy when you cast off what He has given you. Be true to yourself!
This is not so different from Satan’s original lie in the Garden.
The enemy is deadly serious here in what pride month is really about. God’s people must be doubly serious and answer these lies with loving truth and clear denunciation.
As Romans 12:9 tells us, “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.”
Additional Resources
Navigating ‘LGBT Pride Month’ – How Should Parents Respond?
Why Christians Can’t Avoid the “Trans” and Gender Redefinition Issue
How the “Trans” and Gender Redefinition Issue Attacks the Family
Why the ‘LGBT Person’ and ‘LGBT Community’ Don’t Really Exist
How to Respond to “Trans” and Gender Ideology? Simple: Live Not by Lies
’Tis the season for holiday reading!
Check out Daily Citizen’s cheery winter reads.
Glenn is the director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage and parenting at universities and churches around the world. His latest books are "The Myth of the Dying Church" and “Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth." He is also a senior contributor for The Federalist.
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