It was Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” who once warned, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

If that was the case during the second half of the 19th century, it’s even more prevalent in the twenty-first, especially thanks to the worldwide population being connected via social media.

Abortion remains one of the most lied about issues by people who fully support it but who are either uncomfortable or unwilling to openly acknowledge the reality of its cold wickedness.

During Tuesday night’s presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, the subject of late term abortion came up. By “late term” we’re referring to babies killed in the seventh, eighth and ninth months of pregnancy.

When the former president pushed on the issue, suggesting fully formed children who are capable of surviving outside the womb are being killed, the vice president replied, “That’s not true.”

Only it is true.

There are nine states with no gestational limits on abortion: Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Alaska, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, New Jersey  and Maryland. Late term abortions are also permitted in the District of Columbia.

But the lies persist.

The day after the debate, the NAACP tweeted out the following statement:

For the record: You cannot have an abortion in the 9th month. You cannot have an abortion after birth. If we didn’t keep banning books, maybe we wouldn’t have to clear that up.

That any group would spread such blatantly false information is reckless, but it’s especially heinous coming from an organization whose mission is “to ensure the political, educational, equality of minority group citizens of States and eliminate race prejudice.”

That’s because the black community is disproportionately impacted by abortion. Although just 12% of America’s population is black, nearly 40% of all abortions performed in the United States are committed on black women and babies. In some communities, it’s much higher: Mississippi (79%) and Washington, D.C. (60%).

Yet, rather than champion laws that would protect black women and their babies, the organization works tirelessly to preserve the right to kill black preborn children. The civil rights group founded by W. E. B. Du Bois and others, recently released the following statement:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People . . . acknowledges reproductive justice as a core principle of civil and human rights and seeks to protect the right of all women, especially African American women, to exercise their reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy safely.

“Reproductive justice” is a euphemism for abortion. Despite their strong statement, it would seem they’re not at all concerned about the rights of girls (or boys) in the womb.

The perpetuation of lies undoubtedly contributes to the otherwise inexplicable black support for abortion. But the NAACP is fully in the know – and yet is unapologetically endorsing the deaths of black children.

Incidentally, the NAACP tweet contained additional misinformation. As Jim Daly noted on Wednesday, infanticide is legalized in states like Minnesota, where governor and vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz recently signed a bill allowing for doctors to abandon babies born alive after failed abortions.

And there was one more error, beyond abortion. There is no such thing as a banned book in America. Schools may or may not choose to carry certain titles, but the “banned book” movement is but one more fabrication of those incapable of or unwilling to debate ideas.

Perhaps if the NAACP would stop promoting false propaganda and recommit themselves to their founding ideals, innocent black preborn babies would receive their protection and support.


Image from Getty