Why We Rally: Pushing Back on the Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda in Colorado

On March 14th, a majority of lawmakers in the Colorado House of Representatives passed the nation’s most radical abortion bill. It was approved on a party-line vote of 40-24

Pro-life lawmakers in the House filibustered this extreme abortion bill for over 24 hours in the longest bill debate in state history. 

On March 12th, hundreds of Coloradans rallied at the Capitol to protest the radical bill. Men, women, and children from all across Colorado gathered together to express their opposition to the bill and thank the pro-life legislators for their willingness to speak up for the preborn.  

The energy of the pro-life crowd at the rally was truly inspiring. In the face of almost certain defeat in the House, the crowd was full of hope. Hope because standing up and speaking out for preborn human life is just, and doing the right thing is always worth it. 

Pro-life legislators spoke through the night, taking shifts, in an effort to stop the extreme abortion bill. They shared about the atrocities that took place by Kermit Gosnell that could happen in Colorado if this legislation were to pass. This measure would make any restriction on abortion illegal – including health and safety standards for abortion facilities. 

Speakers at the rally shared from their own personal experiences. Some choose abortion and regret it. Others decided to have their babies as single mothers and found a community among the pro-life movement for support. A former abortion doctor shared how God revealed the truth of what she was doing and how she walked away from performing abortions.

Despite the pro-life movement’s best efforts, the bill has now moved to the Senate for a vote. 

This bill is an attack on preborn human life in the womb, parental rights, and human rights.

If passed, HB22-1279 would make abortion on demand legal under Colorado law at any time and for any reason. It would declare that preborn babies have no rights under Colorado law. It would invalidate all existing laws that limit abortion – like parental notification for minors. It would also prohibit the creation of any new pro-life laws – like banning late-term abortion.

If this bill were to become law, it would be the most radical abortion law in the United States.

HB22-1279 is scheduled to be heard by the State Senate Judiciary Committee this Thursday, March 17, 2022.

Colorado residents, please consider testifying – remotely or in-person – against the bill and/or contacting the members of the senate committee and your senator to urge a no vote. This is the last chance Colorado citizens have to engage in the process and share their opposition to this bill.

Make a stand for life! This bill is too extreme for Colorado! 

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