World’s Largest Annual Human Rights Gathering This Friday

Pro-life Americans will march in Washington, D.C. this Friday at the 52nd National March for Life — the largest annual human rights gathering in the world.

Since Roe’s reversal over two and a half years ago, organizers of the March for Life have doubled down on the importance of gathering each January to rally and march together until every life in the United States is protected from abortion.

This year’s theme is “Why We March.” It is meant to encourage the pro-life community to have renewed energy and vigor to keep advocating, even in challenging times, for the sanctity and dignity of every human life.

Organizers say the rally will be held in a new location this year — at the grounds of the Washington Monument.

Attendees will march down Constitution Avenue, past the White House, and complete their march in front of the United States Capitol — symbolizing the power the legislative branch now holds to advance pro-life policy.

Music group “Unspoken” will be performing a pre-rally concert beginning at 11:00 am ET.

The rally will begin at 12:00 pm ET.

The exciting line-up of speakers includes:

  • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
  • Bethany Hamilton, professional surfer, mother, and pro-life advocate
  • Lila Rose, president of Live Action
  • U.S. Senator John Thune, Senate majority leader
  • U.S. Congressman Chris Smith
  • Dr. Catherine Wheeler, obstetrician
  • Josiah Presley, abortion survivor
  • Beverly Jacobson, CEO of Mama Bear Care
  • Jeanne Mancini, president, March for Life
  • Jennie Bradley Lichter, president-elect, March for Life
  • The Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas, chair, Committee on Pro-Life Activities, USCCB
  • Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
  • Hannah Lape, student and president for the Wheaton College Voice for Life

Focus on the Family will be in attendance and invites our pro-life friends to join us as we March for Life in our nation’s Capital.

If you plan on attending the March in person, you can RSVP and learn more details at March for Life.

If you are unable to attend in person, but want to be part of the event, you can watch the livestream online!

Join us as we boldly testify to the humanity of every preborn human life because that’s “Why We March!”

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