Earlier this month, The Daily Citizen reported on three upcoming and massively important cases that the Supreme Court will hear on October 8. All three cases involve an employer accused of discrimination for firing an employee on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”
The Supreme Court allows interested parties to file an amicus brief, also knows as a “friend of the court” brief for those who are not a part of the case to inform the Court on issues that may impact them.
Earlier this month, 206 large corporations filed an amicus brief in these three cases urging the Supreme Court to determine that gender identity, and sexual orientation are included in the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex in Title VII. Yet, at the time Title VII was enacted, no one would have thought that sex really meant ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity.’ As the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys, representing Harris Funeral Homes in one of these cases, pointed out to the Court: “Both at the time of Title VII’s enactment and today, the word ‘sex’ refers to a person’s status as male or female as objectively determined by anatomical and physiological factors.” Now, these large corporations are urging the Supreme Court to redefine these terms.
If the Court were to rule that sex actually means gender identity, the consequences would be drastic. ADF warns, “That change would require employers to treat men who believe themselves to be women as if they are, in fact, women. It would allow for women’s scholarships to be given to men who believe themselves to be women. And it would force organizations to open women’s shelters, locker rooms, and restrooms to men who believe themselves to be women.”
It is not up to the Supreme Court to redefine the law using new theories and new ideologies. It is the job of the Supreme Court to say what the law is. ADF writes, “Neither government agencies nor the courts have authority to rewrite federal law by replacing ‘sex’ with ‘gender identity’ – a change with widespread consequences for everyone.” If Congress wanted to include gender identity and sexual orientation in protected categories, they could do so.
So, who are the corporations that are urging such a massive and destructive change in the law? Among them are Amazon, American Airlines, American Express, Apple, AT&T, Bank of America, Best Buy, Cisco Systems, Citigroup Inc., Comcast, and Domino’s. Indeed, those are just some of the biggest names from the first four letters of the alphabet.
This seems to be yet another demonstration of how liberal most major corporations are.
During pride month earlier in 2019, most corporations put out a statement affirming their support for LGBTQ rights. For example, Budweiser UK announced on Twitter announcing their sponsorship of “Pride in London!” They went on to affirm their support for asexuals, grey-asexuals, and demi-sexuals. Yes, you read that right. “Black is for asexuals who don’t feel sexual attraction to anyone. Grey is for grey-asexuals, who sometimes feel sexual attraction, and demi-sexuals who only feel it if they know someone well.” Who knew that grey-asexuals were included within the LGBT acronym?
In addition, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) provides a “Corporate Equality Index” which ranks corporations on the basis of their “non-discrimination policies, equitable benefits for LGBTQ workers, and supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility.” In their 2019 report, they reviewed “1,028 of the nation’s largest businesses [who] demonstrate their commitment to LGBTQ equality and inclusion.” In this report, they conclude that 572 businesses earned a 100 percent rating and the designation of being a “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality.” One of the criterion which the HRC uses is whether the businesses “affirm coverage for transition-related care and eliminate all so-called ‘transgender exclusions’ from plans.’” In other words, these companies all provide health insurance plans which cover “gender transition surgery.”
Given these facts, it’s not surprising that so many companies wish to have the Supreme Court write sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories into law.
Indeed, Sohrab Ahmari, a columnist for Catholic Herald wrote about the corporate sponsor of the 2019 New York Pride Parade. “There were the young men roller-skating about in mankinis that left little to the imagination; the Latin drag queens waving regally at their subjects from the backs of convertibles; the young woman dressed as a kind of blasphemous anti-pope, with a plunging neckline on her ‘cassock’ and the word “ABORTION” on her mitre; and so on. But it was all brought to you by… Johnson & Johnson.”
It is quite unfortunate that Americans cannot seem to shop online, make a phone call, order a pizza, fly on a plane, deposit their money in a bank, or buy beer without giving their hard earned money to companies that support political positions with which they disagree.
Let us hope and pray the Supreme Court does its job correctly, and doesn’t bend to the will of large, liberal corporations.
Personally, I like my pizza without a side of politics.
Photo from Alliance Defending Freedom