5 Ways God Has Answered Prayers in Ukraine

Christians around the world have been praying for peace and for the people of Ukraine for several months now. But as Russia’s brutal and wicked war against their innocent neighbors enters its second month, some might suggest God has yet to answer the prayers and pleas of His people.

Or has He?

“Mary” (not her real name) is a Christian missionary living in the battle-torn country of Ukraine. In order to protect her identity and location we will not share any details of her current situation. But from the images and reports broadcast around the world, we know those living within the country’s borders are living in a constant state of danger – Mary included. 

As Christian believers, we regularly bring our cares and concerns to the Lord. The Scriptures make clear we’re to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17) and let our requests be known to God (Phil 4:6). Sometimes we see quick answers to our prayers. There are plenty of instances when it takes time. And then there are circumstances when the Lord appears to be silent or say “no.”

As hostilities continue to rage in eastern Europe, Mary recently texted a friend here in the United States to assure her our prayers are actually being answered – though sometimes in unconventional ways. 

Here is Mary’s text:

While you were praying for Ukraine, many of the rockets shot into the country did NOT explode.

While you were praying for Ukraine, the man run over by a Russian tank survived.

While you were praying for Ukraine, Russian paratroopers coming in from Belarus were blown back by a very strong wind.

While you were praying for Ukraine, God sent snow that covered the enemy’s marks and targets.

While you were praying for Ukraine, there was a storm in the Black Sea that didn’t allow the Russian ships to land. 

If God is for us, then who can be against us?

Your prayers are working.

Isn’t that a powerful perspective?

We know God’s ways are not our ways. He sees things we cannot see and does things we may not understand nor ever know – because His plans are perfect even amidst the seeming chaos of a war-torn Ukraine.

God works in millions of ways in our lives. He sees around corners, through walls and down through the corridors of time. We can trust Him – even when we may not understand Him.

As Christians, we must continue to pray for those in Ukraine. Pray for the Lord to thwart the ways of the wicked and deliver the innocent from the violence and evil of the enemy.

Photo from Twitter.

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