After Blowback, Alexandria City Council Rescinds ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day’ Proposal
The Alexandria City Council has rescinded a proposed resolution to celebrate abortionists and establish a citywide “Abortion Providers Appreciation Day” following blowback from the Christian faithful in the city.
The city council had planned to vote on the proposed resolution on March 8 and would have designated March 10 as the “special” day. The resolution exhorted residents of Alexandria, Virginia to “celebrate the courage, compassion, and the high-quality care that abortion providers and clinic staff provide.”
But after the proposal became public, intense publish outcry caused the city council to rescind the measure prior to voting on it.
Bishop Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington had blasted the proposed proclamation in a statement.
“Violence of every kind must be condemned – and abortion is a direct, violent attack on human life,” Bishop Burbidge said. “Proposing a celebration of abortion and an ‘appreciation day’ for those who destroy lives defies comprehension.”
“The City of Alexandria should instead do the opposite. It should celebrate all those who save, protect and care for human life. It should re-direct its focus toward recognizing and supporting both mothers and their children, as so many dedicated and compassionate people in Alexandria do each day.
“I urge Alexandria residents to express their opposition to this proclamation, and I continue to call upon all in our diocese to proclaim the Gospel of Life by word and example,” the bishop added.
Additionally, the Basilica of St. Mary in Alexandria “encouraged its parishioners to contact the city council about the proclamation.”
The outcry led to Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson to request the proposal be removed from the city council’s agenda.
“The proclamation has now been pulled from the agenda on Tuesday at my request,” the mayor told The Daily Wire.
Even though it shouldn’t have been necessary, this instance shows that the voices of everyday citizens can still have great effect against the dark ideas of this present age.
Related articles and resources:
Alternatives to Abortion: Pregnancy Resource Centers
Post-Abortive Recovery Resources
Photo from Shutterstock.
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Zachary Mettler is a writer/analyst for the Daily Citizen at Focus on the Family. In his role, he writes about current political issues, U.S. history, political philosophy, and culture. Mettler earned his Bachelor’s degree from William Jessup University and is an alumnus of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation. In addition to the Daily Citizen, his written pieces have appeared in the Daily Wire, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, Newsweek, Townhall, the Daily Signal, the Christian Post, Charisma News and other outlets.
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