Anglican Leaders in the Global South Stand Strong Against Church of England’s Blessing Same-Sex Unions
The Church of England, in a major move to stray further away from clear Christian teaching, will begin blessing same-sex unions while stopping short of actually performing weddings that intentionally exclude either a bride or groom.
But faithful Anglican clergy in the Global South are furious at this move and are speaking boldly against such heretical views. The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) is a worldwide fellowship of 25 provinces centered mainly in the African Continent, but also includes members from North and South America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. They are unabashedly traditional in their view of scripture and Christian teaching.
The Anglican Archbishop of Uganda, the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba, released a blistering statement in response to the Church of England’s decision, explaining, “The Church of England is very good at making contradictory statements and expecting everyone to believe both can be true at the same time.” He is of course speaking to their decision to bless same-sex unions but stopping short of ordaining genderless marriages. He says this new direction taken by the Church of England is a “suicidal path.” GSFA is certainly not falling for the clever politics and smooth talk of “love” and “inclusion” by the liberalizing Church of England leaders. Kaziimba explains,
The Church of England insists it is not changing its doctrine of marriage. But, in practice, they are doing precisely that. You may read various articles, opinions, and commentaries on this decision that try to justify its action.
But, what I want you to know is that if it looks like a wedding, and sounds like a wedding… it IS a wedding.
Kaziimba clearly expresses what is at stake here in so radically redefining what marriage is and subverting how it reflects God’s design for humanity.
From the first page of the Bible in the book of Genesis to the last page of the Bible in the book of Revelation, it is clear that God’s design for human flourishing is that we are part of a family – a family that is defined as one man and one woman united in holy matrimony for life and, God willing, a union that produces children. God’s Word has said that the only context for sexual relationships is in the context of a marriage of one man and one woman.
God created this for all of humanity out of His boundless love for us. It is certainly not loving to say He was wrong.
The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Province of Alexandria posted his own protestation, linking this heretical change on marriage to the ancient Arian controversy on the person of Jesus Christ that erupted in his hometown of Alexandria way back in the fourth century. He links the denial of Christ’s virgin birth, divinity, resurrection, and the authority of the scriptures with today’s blessing same-sex unions and marriage. Archbishop Anis asserts, “In a time like this, the church of Christ needs faithful church leaders who speak the truth boldly; leaders who are happy to pay the price of defending the biblical truth.” He’s absolutely correct, adding, “It is sad that church leaders think that they can undo God’s purpose in creation and they can innovate different teaching from the Biblical one.”
Anis’ colleague, Samy Fawzy Shehata, the present archbishop of Alexandria in Egypt, told the synod that “crossing this line of blessing same-sex unions will alienate 75% of the Anglican Communion” and “lead eventually to impaired and broken communion.” That is what happens when one part of the Church tries to create a very different faith.
Folli Olokose, a Nigerian-born vicar in the diocese of Guildford, England said a vote in favor of blessing same-sex unions would be “putting a nail in the coffin of the Anglican Communion.” These men properly see this as an issue worth fighting for.
The Christian Church, in all of its various communities throughout the world, needs the strong, bold leadership of clergy with spines of steel and hearts of conviction to stand strong for the loving truth of God’s Word and His clear design for marriage, family, and sexuality. Claims that changing what God created and ordained is more loving than standing for what Jesus clearly taught is both misguided and arrogant.
God’s design of marriage as a union of one man and one woman is His best for all of humanity and any claim to the contrary should be strongly rejected.
These men from the Global South standing resolutely and unapologetic against the heresy of the Church of England should be commended and encouraged. May their numbers swell in these challenging days!
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