‘Be Strong and Courageous’: Annual Bring Your Bible to School Day Will be Held on October 7

Bring Your Bible Update

Focus on the Family’s annual Bring Your Bible to School Day (BYBTS) will be held on Thursday, October 7, 2021.

The nationwide event encourages students to read Scripture, celebrate religious freedom and share their faith with their friends.

Last year, 514,609 students participated in bringing their Bibles at 50,000 different schools.

This year, John Cooper, lead singer, bassist and co-founder of the Christian rock band Skillet, is encouraging kids to sign up.

Emerson Collins, the Project Manager for Bring Your Bible, told The Daily Citizen that the goal of BYBTS is to encourage students to be “strong and courageous for God.”

“This special event provides all students with the powerful invitation to stand with hundreds of thousands of their peers to tell others about Christ and what He has done in their life from the inside out,” Collins added.

“We hope all students will let others know they believe in God’s Word and that His words dwell richly inside of their being.”

In one student’s testimonial of how BYBTS impacted her, Eliana, 13, said, “I chose to participate because I wanted to tell my friends about Jesus.”

“Bringing my Bible to school did raise a lot of questions about my faith and what being a Christian really means,” she added.

In another testimonial, Jaimee, a 37-year-old parent, said, “I love that Bring Your Bible to School Day gives my kids an opportunity to stand up for their faith and to share it openly in a setting that is perceived as ‘off limits.’”

To learn more about Bring Your Bible to School Day or to register for the event, visit www.bringyourbible.org. Students who sign up will receive encouragement from Scripture, email reminders and stories from other participants.

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