Daily Headlines | Monday April 18, 2022

Good Easter Monday Morning! 

Why would anyone try and tear down mothers who choose to work within the home? 

The late Zig Ziglar used to warn: 

“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.”  


  1. Attacking Stay-at-Home Moms is Latest Front in the Ongoing War on Children 

Focus on the Family president Jim Daly writes:  

According to feminist author Jill Filipovic, stay-at-home-moms are responsible for producing and encouraging the very worst of men. They’re also a drag on society and doing more harm than good to themselves, too. 

In a series of tweets last week, the controversial writer wrote: 

“More mothers at home makes for worse, more sexist men who see women as mommies and helpmeets. Men with stay-at-home wives are more sexist than men with working wives; they don’t assess women’s workplace contributions [fairly]; and they are less likely to hire and promote women.” 

Ms. Filipovic, is very wrong, of course, and wildly so. It’s reckless and foolish to make negative and insulting assertions about whole groups of people without providing any evidence to back up such claims. Incidentally, she was responding to an essay by Matt Bruenig in The New York Times, in which he suggests the federal government should pay parents who stay home with their children.  

So, in this instance, we have one bad idea being countered by another. 

My own wife, Jean, made the decision over twenty-years ago to forgo a career in science in order to devote her full-time energies to raising our first son, Trent. Troy came soon afterward. She would tell you it was the best decision she ever made. Our boys are now thriving young men. 

It’s a fact that not everyone has the luxury of making this choice. Jean and I are grateful we were able to do it. It required sacrifice and doing without certain things from time to time. 

Living through the last two decades as a family, you’ll never convince me that anybody works harder than a mother. Parenting is a joy-filled experience, of course, but it also requires a tremendous amount of effort. The legendary writer, John Steinbeck, once put it quite succinctly. “It takes courage,” he wrote, “to raise children.” 

Ms. Filipovic also claims in her social media broadside that full-time mothers are “psychologically and emotionally worse off than working mothers by just about every measure.” She says they are also more likely to be depressed and experience “anxiety” and “anger.”  

“They are much more likely than working mothers to say that they are struggling, and less likely to say that they are thriving,” Filipovic added.  

Unlike her first, baseless charge that mothers who stay home with their young boys somehow produce sexist sons, there is some evidence that moms in this category face unique challenges their counterparts who work outside the home do not. 

Admittedly, it can be isolating and difficult to raise children. With no adults to talk with and rebellious and cantankerous toddlers challenging you around the clock, it’s not unusual for nerves to be frayed and emotions to be uneven. Motherhood does take its toll. 

But at the very heart of Ms. Filipovic’s claim and charge is the assertion that personal happiness – not the wellbeing of a child – is what’s most important. It’s “me-focused.” The ongoing war on children regularly plays up the adult to the detriment of the innocent child. For example, abortion is the ultimate selfish act. Rather than make an adoption plan, which would be in the best interest of the child, the baby is aborted. Selfish interests trump a sacrificial spirit.  

Ms. Filipovic and others who subscribe to this philosophy are also ignoring the other side of the social science. While mothers who stay home with their children may struggle, the deleterious effects are temporary. The science also finds that while moms may face unique challenges, the children actually do better when mom stays home. 

I would like to ask: Are there any children or adults out there who regret their mom staying home with them? I highly doubt it.  

Mothers who stay-at-home with their children deserve our praise, support and encouragement. They’re uniquely gifted and they’re raising the next generation. Sorry, Ms. Filipovic, but instead of attacking them, you should be applauding them. 


  1. Tony Dungy Fires Back After Left Criticizes Him for Supporting Fatherhood Bill 

From The Daily Citizen: 

Just yesterday, The Daily Citizen reported on a newly-signed Florida bill which allocates $70 million to support fatherhood. 

The “Responsible Fatherhood” bill provides funds for “education programs, mentorship programs and one-on-one support to encourage responsible and involved fatherhood in Florida.” 

Former NFL head football coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Indianapolis Colts, Tony Dungy, endorsed the bill in a statement, saying that the bill is “tremendous and such a good help to fathers in Florida.” 

“This bill is so important. I want to thank all of the men and women that have been behind this. It is going to allow groups like All Pro Dad and people like those here today to do great things for our fathers here in Florida,” the coach added. 

But for his vocal support of the initiative to help promote fatherhood, the left viciously attacked Coach Dungy. 


  1. Florida rejects 41% of math textbooks for including CRT, most aimed at K-5 students: ‘Impermissible’ 

From Fox News: 

Florida’s Department of Education (DOE) rejected 41% of mathematics textbooks submitted for use in the state’s public schools Friday, citing critical race theory and other issues with the texts. 

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has led a push to reform education standards and practices in the state. Florida called for textbook submissions from publishers in 2021 in accordance with a 2019 executive order from DeSantis aimed at eliminating Common Core standards in the state. The textbooks rejected “were impermissible with either Florida’s new standards or contained prohibited topics.” 

The 41% rejection rate was the highest in Florida’s history. 

“It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” DeSantis said in a statement accompanying the announcement. “I’m grateful that Commissioner Corcoran and his team at the Department have conducted such a thorough vetting of these textbooks to ensure they comply with the law.” 


  1. Homeschooling surge continues despite schools reopening 

From the Associated Press: 

The coronavirus pandemic ushered in what may be the most rapid rise in homeschooling the U.S. has ever seen. Two years later, even after schools reopened and vaccines became widely available, many parents have chosen to continue directing their children’s educations themselves. 

Homeschooling numbers this year dipped from last year’s all-time high, but are still significantly above pre-pandemic levels, according to data obtained and analyzed by The Associated Press. 

Families that may have turned to homeschooling as an alternative to hastily assembled remote learning plans have stuck with it — reasons include health concerns, disagreement with school policies and a desire to keep what has worked for their children. 

In 18 states that shared data through the current school year, the number of homeschooling students increased by 63% in the 2020-2021 school year, then fell by only 17% in the 2021-2022 school year. 


  1. Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill into Law Protecting Preborn Babies from the Moment of Conception 

From The Daily Citizen: 

Pro-life legislation continues to make impressive progress across the nation. Oklahoma is one of the latest states to act to protect preborn human lives. 

On Tuesday, April 12, 2022, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a measure into law that protects the lives of preborn children from the moment of conception. 

Pro-life lawmakers in the House voted in favor of the bill earlier this month 70-14, while the Senate approved the measure in March by a vote of 38-9. 

The measure, Senate Bill 612, makes it a felony to perform an abortion. Abortionists who are convicted of violating the law could face a $100,000 fine, up to ten years in prison, or both. 


  1. Why Academia Is Preying on Freethinkers 

From the American Spectator: 

An ACTA survey found that 41 percent of students think it is always or sometimes acceptable to shut down a speaker “to prevent them from speaking on campus.” (READ MORE from Debra J. Saunders: Don’t Go to the Head of the Class

A 2016 paper, “Faculty Voter Registration in Economics, History, Journalism, Law, and Psychology,” looked at 7,243 professors and found 3,623 to be registered Democrats and 314 to be registered Republicans. In journalism and communications, the ratio was 20 Democrats to one Republican. 

Faculty registration researchers Mitchell Langbert, Anthony J. Quain, and Daniel B. Klein found the Democrat-to-Republican ratio grew since 2004 and looks to be growing. 

Diversity? The holy trinity in college HR departments — DEI for diversity, equity, and inclusion — is not about diversity. If academics truly believed in diversity, they’d hire people who think outside their box. But they don’t. 


7. Twitter plans “poison pill” if Musk tries takeover 

From World Magazine: 

The social media giant’s board of directors will make defensive moves if Elon Musk tries to increase his stake in Twitter from 9 percent to 15 percent or more. The billionaire and CEO of Tesla announced Thursday he wants to buy the publicly traded company outright for $43 billion. Musk wants to take Twitter private and reform its censorship practices, a move he says would protect free speech. 

How would Twitter’s plan work? It would allow existing Twitter shareholders (except Musk) to buy additional shares at a discount, thereby diluting Musk’s stake in the company and making it harder for him to gain support for his acquisition from a majority of shareholders. 

Dig deeper: Read Jerry Bowyer’s column for WORLD Opinions about how Musk could transform Twitter. 


8. A psychologist says these 7 skills separate successful kids from ‘the ones who struggle’—and how parents can teach them 

From CNBC: 

After combing through piles of research on traits most highly correlated to optimizing kids’ thriving abilities, I identified seven skills kids need to boost mental toughnessresilience, social competence, self-awareness and moral strength — and they are what separates successful kids who shine from those who struggle: 

Click here for the list.  


  1. ‘People Want It’: Mel Gibson Discusses Faith-Based Films Like ‘Father Stu,’ ‘The Passion’ 

From the Daily Wire: 

Mel Gibson is no stranger to making faith-based movie projects, even in the face of enormous controversy. “The Passion of the Christ” remains one of the most monumental movies he’s ever worked on. So Mark Wahlberg teaming up with Gibson to get his recent project, “Father Stu,” onto the big screen just made a lot of sense. 

The “Braveheart” actor reflected to Fox News on what made him want to get involved. “You know, I had a pretty big experience with ‘The Passion,’” Gibson explained. “That was an interesting journey to understand that there’s a real thirst for this kind of content out there. People want it, and they respond well to it. So it’s a privilege to be a part of that delivery.” 

“I think ‘Father Stu’ offers that,” the actor continued. “It’s a little different. I wouldn’t really call it a faith-based film, but I think it hits all those cravings that the community wants. But at the same time, it’s not preaching to the choir. It’s got F-bombs, so you do have to weather those things to get to the jewel.” 

“Father Stu” tells the true story of an amateur boxer who suffered from a degenerative and incurable muscular disorder. He leaned on his faith during tough times and eventually, he became a priest, Father Stuart Long. Wahlberg was so inspired by the story that he chose to invest his own money to get the movie made. He also stars in it. 


10. World’s oldest tennis player? Meet 99-year-old Phil Allman 

From the Colorado Springs Gazette: 

Ninety-nine-year-old Phillip Allman Jr. plants his sneakers just beyond the baseline, gives the tennis ball a few preparatory bounces, then sends it aloft. The serve lands wide, so he digs another ball from his pocket and returns to position. He tosses, swings and connects with a solid “thwank.” The serve is good and a lively, four-man volley ensues. 

Even now, deep into the third set after more than an hour on the court, Allman’s energy seems as unsagging as his socks. 

“I’m only 81. He’s the king,” said his tennis buddy Lonnie Weaver. “When I get up in the morning and I’m feeling like I don’t want to come, I say, ‘What would Phil do?’ There’s a lot of guys who do that.” 

There’s no question Allman’s the most senior of the “super” senior tennis group that meets Mondays and Fridays at Life Time fitness center in Colorado Springs. He’s certainly older than the world’s oldest competitive player, Leonid Stanislavskyi, who turned 98 last month after reluctantly fleeing his war-torn native Ukraine for Poland. 

Whether Phil Allman is the oldest tennis player in the world? Cool to consider. Impossible to call. 

The almost-centenarian himself is quick to point out that such a contest is no gimme. Tennis can be rough on joints and tendons, but it’s also the sport most associated with long lives. (Seriously. They’ve done studies.) That’s not why Allman plays, of course, just a sweet fringe benefit. 

“I was glad to hear that. I feel like it’s a good part of my longevity,” he said. “That, and a good family, wonderful son and daughter; good friends, good career … and always keeping the mindset that you can do it. That’s been my motto: You have the ability to triumph.” 

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