The United States Elections Project reports that almost 30 million Americans have already voted, with 12.4 million voting in person and more than 17 million mailing in their ballots.

The mainstream media focuses largely on congressional and gubernatorial elections, but state and local races, school board elections and ballot measures are all very important.

For our readers who haven’t voted yet, Focus on the Family is allied with 39 state-based Family Policy Councils across the country, all dedicated to the gospel of Christ, the well-being of the family, the sanctity of life and religious freedom.

Many of these groups offer voter guides to help concerned Christians understand where candidates stand on the issues. We want to highlight some of them here that are classified as 501(c)(3) guides, giving non-partisan information for voters who haven’t yet filled out their ballots. They’re also safe for churches to promote.


Our friends at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), led by Cathi Herrod, have been at the forefront of pro-life, family-centered policy advocacy in the Grand Canyon State. CAP’s 2022 Voter Guide offers information about federal, state and local candidates; propositions; school board candidates; and judicial retention candidates on the ballot.


If you are a proud Arkansan and concerned about the issues affecting your state, look no further than the Family Council, headed up by Jerry Cox. As the Daily Citizen has reported, Arkansas has a constitutional amendment on the ballot that promotes religious freedom and another that would legalize marijuana.  For their Arkansas Voter Guide, candidates were surveyed on issues such as abortion, immigration, balancing the federal budget, vaccine mandates – and more.


The California Family Council (CFC), under the leadership of Jonathan Keller, works to advance God’s design for life, family and liberty. California is one of five states where life is on the ballot. Proposition 1 would add the “fundamental right to choose to have an abortion” to the state constitution, meaning preborn infants could be aborted through all nine months of pregnancy. CFC provides a 2022 California Voter Guide and Voting Resources to inform voters.


The Florida Family Policy Council, headed by John Stemberger, has been an influential force on behalf of the family for many years. If you live in The Sunshine State, you’ll want to get to know these folks and their work on your behalf. Their voter guide is here, offering information about congressional candidates, state legislators, judges, amendments & local races. The Florida Family Policy Council also offers voting resources for pastors and churches.


Hawaii Family Forum (HFF), led by President and CEO Eva Andrade, works diligently on behalf of families in a political atmosphere that can be challenging. HFF has produced a 2022 General Election Voter Guide, with information about federal and state candidates and their positions on issues such as abortion, funding for Planned Parenthood, and tax credits for private or homeschool education.


Under the leadership of President Blaine Conzatti, Idaho Family Policy Center (IFPC) works to protect the sanctity of life, safeguard religious freedom and strengthen parental rights. IFPC surveyed state and local candidates to find their views about important issues and offers these Candidate Surveys, along with a Biblical Citizenship Guide to Voting.


Headed by Executive Director Jeff Hewson, Michigan Family Forum (MFF) was created more than 30 years ago to strengthen families by encouraging sound public policies in the state. MFF’s 2022 Michigan Voter Guide helps voters by showing the key organizations that have endorsed candidates in state, county and school board races.


The Minnesota Family Council (MFC) is a non-partisan, grassroots Christian organization dedicated to strengthening the family and advancing foundational biblical principles. Led by their CEO John Helmberger, MFC offers a Personalized 2022 Voter Guide with candidates’ positions on important issues such as life, protecting children, religious freedom and parental rights.


Founded in 1988, the Nebraska Family Alliance (NFA) is the longest-standing pro-family organization in the state. Led by Executive Director Karen Bowling, NFA’s mission is to advance family, freedom, and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer and empowering people. NFA has an Election Resource Center, provides information on state initiatives, and offers a Nebraska Voter Guide.


The Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) is led by President Aaron Baer. The organization advocates for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. CCV offers a voter guide where voters can see which candidates align with their beliefs. The organization also provides a description and explanation of statewide ballot measures.


The Pennsylvania Family Institute is the organization to know if you live in the Keystone State. President Michael Geer and his staff work hard to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. You can download a personalized voter guide at


The Family Foundation, led by President Victoria Cobb, advocates for policies based on Biblical principles that enable families to flourish at the state and local level. Cobb and her staff have produced a voter guide for the state’s race in the newly-created 7th Congressional District that you can access here.

Elections have consequences, and 2022 is no different. Christians concerned about the state of our country and where it’s headed understand this at a deep level.

At Focus on the Family, we don’t endorse candidates, but we do advocate that all Christians become informed and vote their values at the ballot box. Hopefully, the voter guide resources created by the family policy councils noted here will help you do just that.

Related articles and resources:

Contact Your State Family Policy Council

Arkansas Voters Considering Constitutional Amendments on Religious Freedom and Recreational Marijuana

Election Security Is on the Ballot in November and December

Fighting for the Next Generation: School Board Elections and Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Life is on the Ballot this November 8 – With Abortion Groups Spending Millions to Support Legalized Abortion

Pollsters Are Worried They’ll Botch the Upcoming Election – Again. Should Christians Care?

Voters in Montana Can Protect Infants Born Alive After an Attempted Abortion