‘Freedom March’ in Dallas – Leaving Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Follow Christ

Men and women from across the country marched to Klyde Warren Park, in Dallas, to worship, pray and give testimonies about God’s grace and power which brought them out of homosexuality and transgenderism.
The event was sponsored by Rainbow Revival – Freedom March, which explains its purpose:
Freedom March is a diverse group of Jesus followers who have been delivered from LGBTQ identities. Our mission is to share, gather, and activate. We accomplish this mission by sharing testimonies of freedom, as we gather together in local cities, calling the body of Christ to activation in loving their LGBTQ neighbor with the truth of transformation.
In addition to the march and rally, Freedom March “celebrated with praise, worship, prayer, evangelism, testimonies and baptisms over five days at Dallas-area churches,” CBN News reported.
CBN explained the historic significance of Klyde Warren Park:
It was the exact spot where a gospel music festival attended by 150,000 in 1972 led Time magazine to feature the “Jesus People” on its cover. Four days preceding the massive 1972 Jesus gathering, the late Dr. Billy Graham and Campus Crusade For Christ’s Bill Bright preached at Explo ’72 in Dallas.
Lindsey Kiser was one of those who spoke at the event, CBN reported, saying “her former identity as a lesbian faded over time as Jesus revealed truth to her.”
“She shared wisdom from God about sexuality and gender, as well as the adversary’s lies and deception around LGBTQ,” CBN added. Kiser believes that many who are now trapped in homosexual and transgender sin will be brought to faith in Christ. Over at The Christian Post, she wrote:
God is speaking and moving. The death culture propagated by the LGBTQ and abortion advocates will not have the final say. Death has been defeated. God is about to explode with life in Dallas once again. Another Jesus movement is on the rise.
Kiser is an author and prayer leader, the founder of Hook & Ladder Prayer Co. and the author of Piercing the Night: Strategic Intercession to Set the LGBTQ+ Captives Free. She explains the meaning behind the name of her ministry:
Traditionally, a Hook & Ladder Company is a name to describe a group of firefighters at a firehouse. Firefighters are first responders who strategically work together to intervene in crisis situations. They are known for their bravery, honor, strength, and sacrifice. …
Likened to firefighters, intercessors are first responders through prayer. Anchored in the Word of God and the Kingdom’s culture of honor, intercessors sacrificially offer themselves to stand in that interceding gap between people’s need and God’s heart to intervene. They faithfully contend for God’s saving mercy and for His promises to be fulfilled.
Kiser describes her book as “a resource for the Body of Christ that launches us into our highest place of influence – the courts of heaven through the ministry of intercession.” She adds:
As we pray for those bound in LGBTQ+ confusion and sin, we become channels for Jesus to save, heal, and deliver people from the evil that binds and abuses them. … Through prayer, many will be set free and restored unto their true identities in Christ.
Another who spoke at the event was Ross Johnston, a young evangelist who co-founded and leads the ministry California Will Be Saved. He writes, “Many on our team have been praying for years, for a move of God to sweep across California and spread throughout the nation.”
CBN described Johnston’s message:
Johnston was conceived through artificial insemination, and raised by two lesbian women who were both “mom” to him in the home they shared. His life shifted dramatically when Johnston encountered Jesus at age 15.
Johnston preached the gospel at Rainbow Revival and then invited people to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.
MJ Nixon, who leads Rainbow Revival-Freedom March, spoke about being raised in a conservative Christian home but living with “shame, isolation, confusion, and conflict” over the same-sex attractions she felt throughout childhood and adolescence.
Nixon began a five-year relationship with another woman, before “she radically encountered Jesus.” CBN reported:
I wish there had been an event like this one where people hear testimonies of truly overcoming and walking it out, instead of just hearing that homosexuality is a sin,” said Nixon, pointing to an unusual rainbow in the sky.
Above the event, a rainbow completely encircled the sun above the grassy venue – an image many in the crowd captured on their phones.
Since its first event in Washington, D.C., in 2018, marches have been held in Los Angeles; St. Paul, Minnesota; Orlando and West Palm Beach, Florida; and Atlanta.
Related articles and resources:
Rainbow Revival – Freedom March
- Do People Change from Homosexuality? Hundreds of Stories of Hope and Transformation
- Elizabeth Woning Left Lesbianism for a Relationship with Christ – She Wants Others to Have that Same Freedom
- Just a Good Christian Boy
- Voices of Hope
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Jeff Johnston is a culture and policy analyst for Focus on the Family and a staff writer for the Daily Citizen. He researches, writes and teaches about topics of concern to families such as parental rights, religious freedom, LGBT issues, education and free speech. Johnston has been interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning, The New York Times, Associated Press News, The Christian Post, Rolling Stone and Vice, and is a frequent guest on radio and television outlets. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from San Diego State University with a Bachelors in English and a Teaching Credential. He and his wife have been married 30 years and have three grown sons.
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