Here’s What Donald Trump’s Reelection Means

Your country, your convictions and your ability to live – unapologetically – by common sense and biological facts, have been given back to you this week. Actually, you took them back, through your vote, your conviction and our democracy.
It is vitally important we all fully appreciate just what this election and inauguration means for our lives, our nation, our children and the truth. Redemption does not come through elections, but renewal can be expressed through them. It is why we fight so dearly for the freedoms we possess as Americans.
After a peaceful transfer of power, cemented by a decisive national election, President Trump got very busy signing a stack of very important executive actions and orders. Some undo a great many harms intentionally inflicted upon each of us and our country by the previous administration, driven by some very pernicious ideologies and beliefs.
We must celebrate:
- We are now free from ridiculous gender ideology being forced upon us throughout out the federal government and other forces.
- We now have a protected border around our country and an immigration service which will process new citizens safely, systematically and legally.
- We no longer have a government that will limit free speech under the guise of “fact-checking” and protection from “disinformation” in service of their pernicious ideologies.
- We will no longer be pitted against each other by government officials and others because of the color of our skin or nation of origin.
- We will have a government that works more wisely and efficiently.
See below:
This photo needs to be in the Smithsonian.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 21, 2025
One executive administration is waving good-bye to another.
It represents the moment our nation shifted, very intentionally, from dangerous nation-destroying ideologies to common-sense and security. That is a hard truth, but it is true. You know it is.
It is the emblematic waving goodbye to the cover-up and manipulation of what so many of us have been seeing clearly with our own eyes, but were told at every turn, in every way, to ignore it. We were told we were wrong. Not only wrong, but bad. Very bad.
We were called xenophobes, racists, bigots, fascists, homophobes, transphobes, hateful, Nazi-sympathizers, responsible for young people taking their own lives because we “denied” them their newly adopted sexual or gender identity.
These regular accusations left a deep mark on all of us, in our psyche and our soul. Sometimes they came from our own children and family members.
So, what does this week, and the changes it has brought, mean for all of us?
- Now is the time to once again start living in unapologetic confidence in truth and reality.
- None of us should ever allow ourselves to be bullied or apologetic for believing male and female are true, biological qualities, the only two options for being human.
- None of us should ever be pressured into thinking or acting as if “trans” is what some people are.
- We should no longer give any respect nor credibility to gender ideology, preferred pronouns, and coded language which demand allegiance to things we all know are false.
- We should never feel shame or apologize for believing in a biblical sexual ethic or in natural marriage as the foundation of the family.
- We should never feel ashamed for the color of our skin, being bullied into thinking it makes us categorically culpable for serious sins of the past. We are now to be judged on our personal character and our actual treatment of our neighbors and fellow citizens.
- We should no longer tolerate being tarred as hateful, racist or uncaring because we desire a secure border and a working, legal immigration system.
- None of us should ever be bullied for our deepest convictions just because some authority tells us it’s mis- or disinformation. We are no longer subject to this kind of manipulation by government or media.
- We should never apologize for being thankful patriots of this exceptional country.
- None of us should be persuaded to doubt what we clearly see with our own two eyes.
We are now, as a people and a nation, are done with all of this untruth and manipulation.
We have collectively thrown off its shackles and put our ideological enslavers on notice. This fact is actually the substance of the great feeling of relief so many of us collectively feel, now that this fog of deception and oppression has been cast off.
Some of feel uncomfortable admitting this because our new president is a polarizing figure and we don’t want, as people, to be polarizing. But this feeling of freedom and relief exists because of something bigger happening.
It has two parts.
First, it is the genuine result of so many of us collectively realizing that we have been lied to about so many things that we knew were true. Day in and day out, we were systematically manipulated. By our leaders, by media professionals, by authorities. That is not an accusation. It is a fact.
Slowly, we came to realize we are’t crazy nor malicious for believing there are only two sexes; compassion means secure borders; our convictions are not misinformation; personal character and merit are more important than diversity and inclusion; patriotism is not xenophobic. We were aggressively pressured to not question multiple narratives that we knew to be false and destructive in so many ways.
Second, many Americans realized they were not alone in feeling manipulated and denigrated. They came to see and realize that millions of their fellow Americans – of various political stripes and backgrounds – were also tired of manipulated and being lied to.
They gained tremendous strength from this realization and a movement started.
It was a movement to take back our nation from falsehoods and accusations, to tear down strongholds carefully crafted and brutally enforced. Plenty lost their jobs and reputations for resisting. Many have not yet recovered. But we formed a movement to become, once again, the people we know we must be. The people we were created to be.
These are people who love our God, the truth, humanity and common sense and our nation; its leadership role of hope, prosperity and safety in the world – a city on a hill.
These two men and two women, two young and two old, two foreign and two native, are happily waving adios and hello to significant things. We all know in our hearts, from our own experiences, what those are.
We must joyously wave goodbye and hello as well.
Our job now is to fully recognize and walk in this new freedom and realization. It has been hard fought for. It brings so many of us together and sets us on a hopeful path toward a new future.
Let us continue to strongly and unapologetically resist the manipulations that have been systematically cast upon us, and live under the truth and light of what we know to be right and good.
A better, brighter more peaceful and truthful tomorrow awaits us all if we do.
’Tis the season for holiday reading!
Check out Daily Citizen’s cheery winter reads.
Glenn is the director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage and parenting at universities and churches around the world. His latest books are "The Myth of the Dying Church" and “Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth." He is also a senior contributor for The Federalist.
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