Hundreds of Thousands of Students Brought Their Bible to School Today
Students by the hundreds of thousands brought their Bibles to school today – an annual nationwide tradition now in its ninth year.
The purpose?
For students of all ages to boldly proclaim “I am unashamedly a follower of God.”
Bring Your Bible to School Day exists to encourage students across the country to live out their faith in boldness and truth. It is crucial that students today understand the importance of God’s Word not only as one of the most historically influential books of all time, but as words of life that give a window into the heart of our Creator.
The truth of scripture and the Gospel must be treasured in our hearts and expressed each and every day – everywhere – including schools.
For several generations now, school officials and teachers have been bullied, discouraged and even intimidated when it comes to even mentioning the Bible – let alone discussing some of the themes mentioned inside it, such as loving their neighbor or thinking of others first. They certainly aren’t taught that they are loved by a good and gracious God.
In the changing tides of our culture, how will our children not be swept away?
Our youth have been inundated with relativism and relativistic thought. By taking away scientific facts and beliefs that have long been championed in previous eras, our society misses out. We miss out. Our fallen culture is in desperate need of the truth and of God’s Word. Only God’s truth can overcome the evil and darkness in this world.
Yet, we as believers need to remember that we have hope in the unchanging faithfulness and character of Christ, as revealed through His Holy Word.
Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”
If we take care and intentionally raise our children to hold onto these same truths and the Word that never fails, God will surely never fail them. Teach your child to treasure God’s Word in their heart and encourage them to step out in boldness to share it.
My prayer is that young believers everywhere would hear the words of Paul in his letter to Timothy when he says to his young friend, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example” (1 Timothy 4:12, ESV).
Here’s my message to young believers: Friend, you are not too young to make an impact for Christ! Follow in the steps of king Josiah who was only a teenager when he turned the hearts of his people to God. Take a stand like Esther and David who, in the face, stood against great evil. That same God, who was with them, is with you in every step, strengthening you to do great things for His name.
On this National Bring Your Bible to School Day, let’s praise the Lord for his graciousness. Thank Him for giving us laws that protect our religious freedoms and a special day in which we can intentionally stand with Christ.
Emerson Collins is the project manager for both Bring Your Bible to School Day and Live it Challenges at Focus on the Family. He lives in Colorado Springs where he enjoys camping, hiking, and bringing his Bible with him everywhere he goes. If he isn’t outside or with friends, you might find him serving his local church in their pastoral residency program.
Photo from Shutterstock.
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