Ivy League Schools Don’t Understand What Females Are – And Women Pay the Price

We checked all eight Ivy League schools to see if they offer degrees in biological and biomedical sciences. They all do – Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Brown and Dartmouth.

These universities cost anywhere from $64,000 to $73,000 a year to attend and are considered among the best schools in our nation. Each school hands out bachelor’s degrees in these life sciences, to hundreds of students.

Many of the schools also offer master’s and doctor’s degrees in biological and biomedical sciences.

Which leads us to ask the question: Why don’t these expensive, top-notch Ivy League universities know what adult females are?

The 2022 Women’s Ivy League Swimming & Diving Championships has a list of participating athletes. It lists, from each university, the name, competition number, sex and year in school. All the athletes in Women’s swimming and diving are listed with an “F” for female.

But one of the athletes, whose sex is listed “F,” really isn’t female.

The University of Pennsylvania swimmer listed as Lia Thomas was conceived as a male, when a sperm cell with a Y sex chromosome fertilized an egg cell from his mother, and combined with her X chromosome. From that moment on, Thomas’ XY chromosomes, which are in just about every cell of his body (red blood cells are a different story), determined his sex was male – not female.

Thomas’ Y chromosome triggered a cascading series of events, beginning in the womb, that led to his development of male genitalia, being born male, identified as such (not “assigned”), and named Will. His Y chromosome continued to cause physical differences in his body, up through puberty and beyond.

At puberty, like all males, Will’s body went through a number of changes. Here’s how Dr. James Dobson explained that maturation process to younger boys in his book, Preparing for Adolescence:

During puberty, a boy begins to grow very rapidly, faster than ever before in his life. His muscles will become much more like those of a man, and he’ll get much stronger and better coordinated. … A dramatic increase occurs in his overall body size, strength, and coordination during this period.

Second, hair on his body will begin to look more like the hair of a man. He’ll notice the beginnings of a beard on his face, and he’ll have to start shaving it every now and then. Hair will also grow under his arms for the first time, and also on what is called the pubic region. … The sex organs themselves will become larger and more like those of an adult male. These are evidences that the little boy is disappearing forever, and in his place will come a man, capable of becoming a father and taking care of his wife and family.

We’re all familiar with this, but it’s good to review such basics, once in a while. Simple biology and human development, right? You’d think these top-notch schools would know better.

And, more to the point, Will Thomas went through all these physical changes and grew into an adult male.

Adult females don’t have XY chromosomes, they aren’t born male, and they don’t go through male puberty. Females don’t have high amounts of testosterone surging through their bodies for years. They have XX sex chromosomes, are recognized as female from birth, and go through female puberty, significantly differentiating their bodies from adult males.

Yet the Ivy League, allegedly consisting of some of the best institutions of higher learning in our country, insists on counting Thomas as female.

Whatever Thomas may believe, think or feel, whatever “gender ideology” U Penn and the Ivy League subscribe to, those don’t turn him into an adult female. Nor does suppressing his normally produced male hormones and taking opposite sex hormones change his biological sex. Nor does electrolysis, body sculpting, wearing women’s clothes, removing his gonads or using his penis to create a faux vagina.

None of these change chromosomal makeup or the effects of male development and puberty on his body.

Yet U Penn and the Ivy League allow Thomas to compete against biological females. At the championships, he won the women’s 500-yard freestyle by seven-and-a-half seconds, a lifetime in a swimming event. Thomas won the 200-yard freestyle by almost three seconds and the 100-yard freestyle by almost a full second.

He also helped the U Penn 800-yard freestyle relay team place third.

For each of those races – the preliminaries and the finals – Thomas kept a real, female-bodied woman from being part of the team and competing for U Penn. Thomas denied real women from placing first in each of those individual events and a woman from placing on the relay team.

In addition, Thomas broke six league and pool records that had previously belonged to biological women.

Fair? No.

But U Penn and the Ivy league have bought into the false “gender identity” ideology that says the body doesn’t matter – just what someone thinks or believes or feels about himself or herself.

While we can have compassion for and pray for Thomas, it must be incredible painful to reject his body and long to be a woman. But that doesn’t mean we have to go along with “gender ideology” that has no basis in scientific reality.

We also care about those female swimmers who have sacrificed much and poured themselves into training to achieve this high level of competition – only to be unfairly shut out be a biological male. Those who believe and acquiesce to this false dogma – like U Penn and the Ivy League – harm women.

Related articles and resources:

Allowing ‘Transgender Women’ to Compete Against Biological Women in Sports is Anti-Woman

Five Terrible, No-Good, Fatal Flaws of Gender Theory

How Did We Get To This Gender-Confused Place?

Male and Female: Why It Matters in the Culture and Public Policy

Male Swimmer – Who Identifies as Female – Competes for University of Pennsylvania’s Women’s Swim Team

A Singularly Christian View of the Transgender Problem

Swimmer – Born Male – Eligible to Compete Against Women in Ivy League and NCAA Championships

Photo from Facebook.