Ohioans: Defend Pre-Born Babies and Parental Rights — Vote No on Issue 1

Ohio friends listening to the Focus on the Family broadcast this week will get a special message from Focus on the Family President Jim Daly urging voters in that state to vote “NO” on Issue 1.

Issue 1 is a radical ballot measure that would legalize late-term abortion and destroy parental rights. Ohioans will decide the fate of the measure on November 7, 2023. Polls close at 7:30 p.m.

If approved, Issue 1, titled, “Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion,” would enshrine abortion as a “right” in the state’s constitution and make abortion legal in Ohio throughout all stages of a woman’s pregnancy.

Issue 1 would “establish a state constitutional right to ‘make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,’ including decisions about abortion.”

The measure is written so broadly that it would arguably destroy parental rights by allowing minors to receive abortions and transgender medical interventions without parental notification.

The measure only needs a simple majority vote on Tuesday to pass and amend the Ohio constitution.

Thankfully, momentum seems to be on the side of life.

Polling by Baldwin Wallace University in early October suggested that Issue 1 had the support of 58% of likely voters.

However, polling released just a few days ago by Ohio Northern University demonstrates that ballot language humanizing babies may end up impacting the vote significantly.

According to the study, when voters were shown the measure’s original language using the term “fetal viability,” there was 68% support for the ballot initiative.

But, when voters read the updated summary language describing the measure using the words “unborn child,” support for the measure dropped to 52%.

Protect Women Ohio, the local group leading the effort to defeat Issue 1, is trying to change more hearts and minds on the issue by bringing awareness to the danger of unregulated abortion.

Abortion always kills. Women deserve better than unregulated abortion.

As of the latest fundraising reports, the abortion lobby has raised over $41 million while pro-life organizations have raised nearly $30 million.

Pro-life Ohioans must turn out and vote if they wish to defend parental rights and defeat this radical abortion measure that would end the lives of thousands of pre-born babies every year.

Ohio’s abortion law will be decided by the people who show up and vote.

Ohio, we need you to show up and stop the abortion lobby!

Please vote “NO” on Issue 1.


Image from Shutterstock.