Allie Beth Stuckey, one of the nation’s brightest Christian conservative voices, and author of a new book, Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, gave a passionate talk last week at Liberty University.
The Liberty University Convocation features upwards of 80 speakers each year, a tradition dating back to the school’s founding by Dr. Jerry Falwell in 1971. Each presenter is asked to frame their remarks with this one question in mind:
“What purpose will this speaker’s message serve in Training Champions for Christ?”
Stuckey, who is also a wife and mother of young children, is known for being a happy Christ-filled warrior on her podcast, in writing and media, provided students with a clear and actionable blueprint, especially in the ramp up to the election.
Courageous and straight-forward, many of us appreciate the Texas native’s willingness to speak truth to power. Unafraid, unapologetic and unrelenting, she resists the sheep-like mentality that especially pervades progressive Christianity.
Here are some of the best lines of her message:
- “Politics matter because policy matters, because people matter. Politics affects policy, and policy affects people, and people matter. They matter to God, and therefore, as Christians, they matter to us … Policy affects people, especially the most vulnerable people, especially children, especially babies in the womb who have no capital, no political power, no voice. They can’t fight back.”
- “We are called to speak the truth in love. We are not only called to feel how someone feels, as that feeling can be easily exploited. We are called to submit our empathy, to submit our compassion to what is biblically and factually true.”
- “Toxic empathy makes you feel so much of what someone feels that you ignore both reality and morality. You forget the people on the other side of the equation, and you end up supporting policies and causes that hurt them. Christians, however, are called to something better. We are called to the truth in love.”
- “We understand that we cannot love someone by lying to them. We cannot love someone by supporting what God hates. When God is love, if God is love, then the most loving thing we can always do is agree with God.”
- “We hear that the most loving thing, the most empathetic thing we can do is affirm someone’s stated identity, to affirm the delusion that they were born in the wrong body, to deny Genesis 1:27, that God has made us male and female.”
- “We cannot love women if we support men who believe they’re women entering into their spaces.”
- “True love is bigger and better than empathy. Empathy feels how someone feels, but love seeks what is best for a person as God defines best. This is also true when it comes to sexuality, the definition of marriage.”
- “We see throughout Scripture that Christians are called to care for the fatherless, and yet in the name of tolerance and love and inclusion, we are creating purposely fatherless children and purposely motherless children. Through the explosion of reproductive technology, the creation of children with the donation of eggs or sperm, we have now created a new crop of individuals who purposely and intentionally were created to not know their mom or dad.”
- “Christians have always existed as a refuge for children, as a refuge for the most vulnerable. These three issues: abortion, gender, sexuality, are not primarily for the Christian, political issues. They are primarily biblical issues for the Christian. They are primarily Genesis issues.”
- “You hear this scary phrase a lot, Christian nationalism. And it is basically the assertion that if you allow your Christian faith to inform what you think about politics and policy, then you are some kind of theocratic fascist. Let me just tell you the truth. That is a manipulation tactic used to silence conservative Christians, period. That is all that is. Every single law is based on a world view.”
- “The progressive Christian is willing to bring the full force of their world view into the voting booth. The atheist, the Muslim, the agnostic. Every other person gets a pass to bring their belief system into the public sphere. It is only when Christian conservatives do it, are we told that’s dangerous. That’s because that is a manipulation tactic to keep you quiet and to get you to wrongly compartmentalize your faith.”
- “The people, small but mighty, who followed that Jesus, changed how the world saw children forever. They were unafraid to speak to the prevailing and powerful ideologies of the day, that didn’t believe in the sanctity of marriage, didn’t believe in the sanctity of human life, didn’t believe that God had made us male and female in his image.”
- “God does nothing accidentally. He does nothing arbitrarily. Nothing takes Him by surprise.”
- “Politics is a way to love your neighbor. It is not the way to love your neighbor. It is not the primary, certainly not the exclusive way to love your neighbor. But it is a way to love your neighbor. Abortion affects your neighbor. Illegal immigration affects your neighbor. Soft on crime policies affect your neighbor. Gender ideology affects your neighbor. The redefinition of marriage affects your neighbor.
- “Every election has been a decision between two sinners. There’s only one perfect person that has ever lived. His name is Jesus, and he is already king, so he doesn’t need our votes.”
- “You’re not voting for your pastor, or your mentor, or your friend. You are not voting based on vibes. You are not voting based on skin color, or gender, or any of these things that are superficial.”
- “Personality lasts four to eight years. Policy lasts not only your lifetime, but the lifetimes of your children and grandchildren. Don’t vote on things that will be here today and gone tomorrow.”
- “God is a God of order, that He created borders, He created governments, He created countries, He created them for our good, because He knows we need order. We need laws, we need parameters. The sovereignty of a country is a good gift of God’s grace that we are meant to protect. God placed us not in a jungle, but in a garden, with parameters to work and to keep it.”
- “I hear, ‘Well, I’m not going to vote because I’m disinterested in politics.’ Well, politics are interested in you. And there may have been a day at one point where you could disengage from politics, and you didn’t have to care, because it wasn’t really affecting your life.”
We thank God for strong, principled and brave women like Allie Beth Stuckey.
Image credit: Allie Beth Stuckey’s Instagram