Target Removes Merchandise From Satanist LGBT Designer – But Continues to Defend ‘Pride’ Products

(Caution: Disturbing content.)

Yesterday the Daily Citizen spotlighted Target Corporation offering a “transgender” line of clothing, including items from Abprallen, a UK company whose founder creates and sells violence-fomenting, blasphemous, satanic-themed LGBT clothing and merchandise.

Since then, Target suffered an immediate backlash in stores and on social media. Due to public opposition, the company has removed some items – but without apologizing for working with a designer who shows contempt and hatred for many of its customers.

Nor did the retailer apologize for offering “Pride Kids’ & Baby Clothing” and potentially-damaging items such as such as “chest compression tops” for girls and women; “packing underwear,” where girls and women can insert a fake penis; and “tuck-friendly” underwear and swimwear, to help sexually confused teen boys and men hide their genitalia.

Instead, the retailer cited threats against Target employees and stated its continued support for “Pride Month” and “the LGBTQIA+ community”:

For more than a decade, Target has offered an assortment of products aimed at celebrating Pride Month. Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work. Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior. Our focus now is on moving forward with our continuing commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community and standing with them as we celebrate Pride Month and throughout the year.

Target CEO Brian Cornell defended the sales of this transgender gear, as the Daily Mail reported, saying:

I think those are just good business decisions, and it’s the right thing for society, and it’s the great thing for our brand.

The things we’ve done from a DE&I [diversity, equity, and inclusion] standpoint, it’s adding value.

It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today.’

While we strongly support customers boycotting the retail giant and explaining reasons for doing so, threats or acts of violence are never acceptable.

None of the LGBT items Target continues to sell are harmless.

The retailer should know that chest binding and compression can cause serious damage to girls and women. One study listed more than 28 health risks, including rib fractures, chest pain, back pain, headaches, scarring and swelling. Other harms include a wide variety of neurological, gastrointestinal and respiratory problems.

Likewise, tucking can cause damage, as listed by the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, part of Oregon Health and Science University. The organization says:

Tucking does have some risks. These include urinary tract infections, problems with urine flow and twisting or inflammation in the testicles. …

Be careful not to wrap the tape around the penis and scrotum too tightly. It can cut off blood circulation. If you feel any numbness in the penis or scrotum area, untuck for a while!

If you tuck regularly, watch out for skin irritation. Always check for broken or irritated skin before and after tucking. This helps you avoid infection.

Target supports these unhealthy practices – as well as the false ideology of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” and the untold physical, mental, relational and psychological damage this dogma causes.

Despite removing a few items, critics of Target continue to call out the company for targeting children.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh insisted that we should continue to boycott woke businesses, tweeting:

Mollie Hemingway, at The Federalist, called for moms to “Crush Target”:

Political columnist Benny Johnson pointed to the successful campaign against Bud Light, which also promoted transgenderism, and he called “strong moms” to stand up for their children:

Why do companies like Target continue to act offensively toward its customers?

Mostly it’s because they get away with it. It’s good that people are pushing back against these businesses that support destructive, false ideologies.

Related articles and resources:

Kindly and honestly give Target feedback: and 1.800.440.0680

Resources: Homosexuality

Target Launches New Merchandise From ‘Transgender’ Designer With Links to Satanism and Occult

Transgender Resources

Transgenderism and Minors: What Does the Research Really Show?


Photo from Shutterstock.

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