U.S. Taxpayers Now Funding Abortions Abroad, Biden Rescinds Mexico City Policy

President Joe Biden signs an executive order

Newly inaugurated President Joe Biden has rescinded the Mexico City Policy, which was first enacted by President Ronald Reagan and prevented U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to fund abortions abroad.

For pro-life Americans, this means that taxpayer dollars are being used to influence vulnerable women around the world to undergo an abortion procedure.

“It’s been a busy week, I’ve signed executive orders tackling COVID-19, the economic and climate crises, as well as advancing racial equity,” Biden said from the White House’s Resolute desk. “But today I’m about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe it, is to undo the damage that Trump has done.

“There’s nothing new that we’re doing here, other than restoring the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president,” he explained on the first executive order, which expands Barack Obama’s titular, and often maligned, expanded government health care program.

“The second order I’m going to be signing also changing what the former president has done. A memorandum to reverse my predecessor’s attack on women’s health care access. As we continue to battle COVID-19. It’s even more meaningful that Americans have access to health care.”

In this memorandum, he also asks the Department of Health and Human Services, which will likely be led by radical pro-abortion activist Xavier Becerra, to review the Trump administration’s defunding of Title X funding from Planned Parenthood.

Though the return of Title X funding to Planned Parenthood will be a frustration to many pro-life Americans, the decision to rescind the Mexico City Policy is especially concerning, as it aligns the country with the United Nations and, by extension, China’s one child policy.

According to The Washington Post, the United States provided $69 million to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2016 and the Biden administration could be poised to provide the same amount or more in the future.

Per its website, the UNFPA is a “United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is filled.”

The UNFPA is an organization that promotes abortions internationally and has been deeply involved in China’s one child policy, which resulted in the abandonment of thousands of female children and the forced abortion and sterilization of an unknown number of babies and women. To put any U.S. funding back into that organization is deeply disturbing.

But this reversal is not unexpected. Since President Reagan initiated the Mexico City Policy in 1985, every successive Democrat president has rescinded it and every Republican president has put it back in place.

This is a disservice to American taxpayers, who should not be held liable for abortions depending on the views of whoever is in office. Hopefully, at some point, a legislative decision could be made to fully remove this option from any future administration.

People who are living in refugee camps and other vulnerable situations need hope and assistance, not the services of the abortion industry.


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