Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), a day ostensibly dedicated to the “global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women,” and continued work toward “gender equality.”

On paper, I should be throwing an IWD party right now: I believe woman are valuable creations of God equal to men. I believe society couldn’t function without women and their contributions.

Practically, however, I’m concerned that IWD is connected to an ideological agenda that doesn’t have women’s best interests at heart.

This year’s IWD theme, for instance, is “Inspire Inclusion.”

“When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world,” IWD’s website reads. “And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.”

In today’s cultural milieu, “inclusion” often involves affirming men who believe they are women. Sure enough, a search of IWD’s website shows they platform men who call themselves women.

IWD lists one of their missions as, “assisting women to be in a position of power making informed decisions about their health.”

In mainstream feminist thought, “women’s health” usually refers to the right to abortion. Sure enough, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) — the global advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood — previously attended one of IWD’s global events. In a blog post, IWD described IPPF as a “sexual and reproductive rights NGO … educating, empowering and creating a network for local women’s groups and government service providers.”

IWD’s verbal manipulation is characteristic of a disappointing number of “women’s groups,” whose flowery language obscures their enmity towards women.

They tell us to affirm men who call themselves women, but show us we are less valuable than they.

They tell us sexual violence is unacceptable, but show us it can be justified.

They tell us abortion affirms women’s right to choose, but show us not all humans have rights.

I reject this subterfuge and the insinuation that I am betraying my sex by pointing out the harm these messages do to women.

Instead, I will celebrate IWD on my own terms — giving thanks to God for His creation of, and care for, women. I am valued, protected and guided by Him — no IWD celebration required.