There are just some experiments that should never be done in medicine. Studies that are so profoundly twisted in their intent and execution, that to complete them would violate the very essence of the Hippocratic oath. But there are still some doctors willing to push the boundaries in order to support their noted cause, abortion.
In an NPR article published last month, Dr. Mitchell Creinin, a physician and abortionist in California at UC Davis, shared his plans to test the veracity of the abortion pill reversal protocol. But the test he set up exploits’ women and preborn babies for scientific experimentation.
It works like this. Women who are considering a surgical abortion will come into an abortion clinic expecting to terminate their pregnancy. Instead, the women will be offered the opportunity to make a few bucks, if they allow a doctor to experiment on their preborn child. In the place of the surgical abortion the women were anticipating, they will be offered a chemical abortion, also known as the abortion pill or the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol. Then half of the 40 participants will go through the abortion reversal protocol, where they will be given the drug progesterone to counteract the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone that is designed to end their pregnancy. The others will be given a placebo. The women will be evaluated two weeks later to see if their preborn child is still alive, and then they can finish off their child with a surgical abortion.
Although the women will not receive money to have their abortion, they will be paid for their “time.”
The experiment is a gross abuse of vulnerable women and preborn babies, as the experiment calls for the abortionist to essentially kill these babies twice. All for the sake of debunking a medical practice that he doesn’t believe is effective.
“Many of us have great concern about that,” Dr. George Delgado, the creator of the abortion pill reversal protocol, said in a phone interview. “To me this is cruel. He is playing with the lives of these preborn babies in order to prove his scientific curiosity.”
The way that Dr. Creinin set up the study even brings up memories of the Nazi doctors who conducted horrific experiments on prisoners and mental health patients throughout Germany and Eastern Europe.
“Since (the Holocaust) we’ve had several ethical codes enacted that govern research,” Dr. Delgado said. “One of them states that you must protect the health, the safety and the life of your subjects and your study and not subject them to undue risks. There should be some benefit to the research subjects, even if it is indirect. He’s not protecting the dignity, the integrity nor the lives of these preborn babies who are actually the subject of the study.”
There are other problems with his study as well. Besides the fact that preborn babies will be subject to his experimentation, it is unlikely that Dr. Creinin will have an unbiased approach to the subject and will discourage women from trying the abortion pill reversal protocol.
“He says in the NPR article that he doesn’t believe that this works and that he wants to own the study,” Dr. Delgado said. “In other words, he wants to disprove it. That’s his goal really. He seems to be exhibiting bias right out of the gate.”
In any scientific experiment or high-level academic research, remaining unbiased is critical in order to allow the evidence to dictate the conclusion. Dr. Creinin, as an abortionist and one of the most prominent researchers in the academic abortion field, has little incentive to remain unbiased. He has openly stated that he doesn’t believe that this abortion pill reversal protocol works, and he’s willing to use the bodies and lives of vulnerable pregnant women and preborn babies to try and prove it through a deeply flawed research method.
“Whether it is euthanasia or whether it is abortion, killing is wrong,” Dr. Delgado said. “It’s wrong for anyone, but it is particularly wrong for the medical profession, which is supposed to be a profession of healing arts and his experiment goes totally against that.”
The abortion pill reversal process does work. Dr. Delgado and his team conducted their own study, where they tracked the women who used the protocol to determine if the process is effective. Remarkably, 64%-68% of women were able to keep their children and carry them to term with no adverse problems, and as a result of the protocol hundreds of babies have been saved from death.
The pursuit of knowledge through research is a noble endeavor, but Dr. Creinin doesn’t want to know the truth. He wants to make it more difficult for women who want a second chance after beginning a chemical abortion, regardless of the emotional anguish that might cause and the possibility that their children might be saved.
Keep Dr. Delgado and his team in prayer as they work to raise the necessary funds to complete a new, larger and ethical study about the abortion pill reversal process and that the results of the study can be a strong counter to the experiments being run by Dr. Creinin.