Are Elections Secure? 10 Examples of Election Issues Around the Country

A recent poll showed that a majority of Americans are concerned about voter fraud, foreign interference and non-citizens voting in the upcoming election.

According to the NPR/PBS News/Marist poll:

  • 58% of Americans say they are either very concerned or concerned that voter fraud will occur this year.
  • About two in three Americans (66%) say they are either very concerned or concerned that foreign countries will interfere with this year’s elections.
  • While still a majority (52%), fewer Americans are either concerned or very concerned that people who are not U.S. citizens will be able to vote this year.

These are valid concerns, as recent events and current election practices demonstrate. Here are 10 examples of 2024 election security issues from around the country:

  1. “The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office inadvertently posted a spreadsheet to its website with a hidden tab that included voting system passwords … The spreadsheet containing the partial passwords was up on the office’s website for several months before the error was realized,” NBC 9 News reported.

    “The passwords that were in the hidden tab are known as BIOS passwords and are one part of the security process for Colorado’s voting machines,” the news station explained.

  2. Also in Colorado, election officials “are investigating an incident in which at least 12 mail ballots appear to have been intercepted before reaching voters intended to receive them.” Reuters reported, “The intercepted ballots for the Nov. 5 election were filled out and mailed to the county clerk in Mesa County, in the western part of the state.”

  3. In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Fox 43 News reported:
    A criminal investigation is underway in the crucial presidential battleground of Pennsylvania after election workers in one county flagged about 2,500 voter registration forms for potential fraud. … Some had false names, suspicious handwriting, questionable signatures, incorrect addresses or other problematic details.

  4. In neighboring York County, Pennsylvania, Fox 43 reported that the Office of Elections reported a similar issue, saying they had “also received a large delivery of thousands of election-related materials, which officials are now taking a closer look at.”

    The batch of registrations came from “Field+Media Corps, which was acting on behalf of the Everybody Votes Campaign.” The Campaign is funded by leftist groups like George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and State Voices, which also receives funds from Open Society and other leftist groups like the Bohemian Foundation and the Tides Foundation.

  5. Voters in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, complained of even more election problems. Townhall reported that voters complained of sites closing early, being turned away from voting, and being “told that ‘computers are down.’” A woman in Quakertown, in Bucks County, posted a video on X showing officials shutting down the line for voting at 1:45 p.m., when the polls were supposed to be open until 5:00 p.m. A lawsuit has been filed alleging voter suppression in the county.

6. The Federalist reports that Ohio, Florida and Texas filed separate lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security for its refusal to release records necessary to verify the citizenship status of voters in their states.

7. In Virgina, the Department of Elections had removed 6,303 non-citizens from voter rolls in the past two years. The U.S. Department of Justice sued the state for removing non-citizens, and a federal judge ruled against the state. The state appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, which overturned the decision on Wednesday, allowing Virginia to remove these self-identified non-citizens. But the question remains: Why is a government agency working to keep non-citizens on the ballot?

8. Ballot drop boxes have been lit on fire in Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. According to NPR, Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey stated, “The majority of the ballots are completely destroyed, and the remaining ballots are severely damaged and very very wet.”

“Last week in Arizona,” the outlet adds, “35-year-old Dieter Klofkorn told Phoenix police that he had set fire to a USPS mailbox on Oct. 24,” damaging mail-in ballots.

9. In New Hampshire, Politico reported that election officials “decided to replace the state’s aging voter registration database before the 2024 election.” Then they learned that WSD Digital, the company they hired, “had offshored part of the work,” meaning “unknown coders outside the U.S. had access to the software.”

So the state “hired a forensic firm to scour the technology.” John Sakellariadis, who reports on cybersecurity for Politico, added:

The probe unearthed some unwelcome surprises: software misconfigured to connect to servers in Russia and the use of open-source code – which is freely available online – overseen by a Russian computer engineer convicted of manslaughter, according to a person familiar with the examination and granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about it.

Politico conducted a “six-month-long investigation” of the supply chain that produces crucial election software.” As Sakellariadis reports:

There is little oversight of the supply chain that produces crucial election software, leaving financially strapped state and county offices to do the best they can with scant resources and expertise.

10. On October 23, Nevada County, California, announced:

A printer’s error on vote-by-mail ballots could delay election results from the Nov. 5, 2024, General Election due to readability issues. Luckily, the problem was immediately identified and is being addressed to ensure accuracy.
The Nevada Elections Office had received 13,500 filled-in ballots, out of 77,000 total, before the issue was discovered. In addition, the state’s Supreme Court recently ruled that mail-in ballots must be counted even if they had no postmark or arrived up to three days after the election.

Hans von Spakovsky, manager of Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative, explains the importance of having safeguards in place to ensure election integrity:

Something as critical as election integrity can’t be left to a simple honor system. One of the most important roles of government is to safeguard the electoral process and ensure that every voter’s right to cast a ballot is protected. That not only protects our right to vote; that’s how we protect the future of our very republic.

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