Category: Marriage
Liberal Women are Sadder Than Conservatives: Less Faith, Fewer Marriages?
It is fairly well-documented in the academic literature that women suffer poorer mental health compared to men and this is generally true cross-culturally. It is...
Read MoreFour Things to Enhance Marital Happiness Among Wives
A recent study by the Institute for Family Studies and the Wheatley Institute reveals key factors that significantly enhance marital happiness among wives. The research...
Read More‘Mass Exodus’: Dr. Jay Richards on the Demise of Gender Ideology and What It Means for the Pro-Life Movement
What do gender and sexual ideology have to do with protecting preborn babies? Dr. Jay Richards explained at this year’s National Pro-Life Summit, an annual...
Read MoreHarvard Evolutionary Biologist Brilliantly Explains Necessity of Monogamous Marriage
In a large and important research-based book, Harvard evolutionary biologist and anthropologist Joseph Henrich explains how Christianity helped shape the benefits of Western civilization by...
Read MoreWhy You Should Care About the Growing Positive Power of Marriage
Leading marriage sociologist Brad Wilcox, the Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professor at the University of Virginia, has written an important new report for the Heritage Foundation...
Read MoreImportant New Book Explains Why Marriage Still Matters
The reasons why marriage still matters in a society where the institution seems to be declining as an ideal are, ironically, literally countless. Every way...
Read MoreResearch Finds Republican Husbands More Faithful; Religious Even More
Spousal fidelity is a very important personal and cultural value. In communities where husbands are more faithful to their wives, children and marriage vows, you...
Read MoreApple’s New Pro-Family Christmas Ad Pulls at the ‘Heartstrings’
Apple Inc. recently released its annual holiday advertisement “Heartstrings” just in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The two-minute commercial features the AirPods Pro...
Read MoreHow Marriage Fights Against Deaths of Despair
It has long been shown in the academic literature that marriage serves as a substantial buffer against numerous life factors that harm one’s health and...
Read MoreDivorce is Devastating. It Should Be Difficult to Break the Knot
Since last week’s election, several news outlets have been featuring stories surrounding liberal concerns that new conservative majorities will move to overturn “no-fault” divorce laws...
Read MoreYoung Person Explains Why Young People Aren’t Getting Married
Fair warning: If you are looking for an examination of marriage’s benefits or why it’s declining, this piece is not for you. Please read one...
Read MoreChristians Should Prioritize Marriage
In a familiar scene from the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, Tzeitel, the eldest of five daughters, reminds her sisters of the reality of marital economics. In imitation...
Read MoreReclaiming the Truth About Marriage
The good scholars with Institute for Family Studies (IFS) have given us another great article entitled “Reclaiming the Truth About Marriage.” The author, a young...
Read MoreMapping US Unmarried Cohabitation Rates
This is the fourth in a series of four articles examining four critical family formation trends: marriage, children living with married parents, divorce, and cohabitation....
Read MoreMapping US Divorce Rates
This is the third in a series of four articles examining critical family formation trends: marriage, children living with married parents, divorce, and cohabitation. This...
Read MoreMapping Declining US Marriage Rates
This is the first in a series of four articles examining four critical family formation trends: marriage, children living with married parents, divorce, and cohabitation....
Read MoreDon’t Buy the Lie it Costs a Lot to Get Married
Would you pay to attend a wedding? The New York Times asked this curious question last week in an article detailing something of a trend...
Read MoreAre Colleges a Hidden Marriage Market?
Marriage is still very high on most people’s life wish-lists. And nearly everyone who marries desires their marriage to last a lifetime. Why bother with...
Read MoreHow Marriage and Fatherhood Regulate Men’s Sexual Energy
Scholar George Gilder opens his classic and important work Men and Marriage with this fundamental truth about humanity: “The crucial process of civilization is the...
Read MoreHow Family Growth Trends are Moving in Wrong Directions
The U.S. Census Bureau puts out annual authoritative reports on family growth trends and America’s living arrangements. We pay very close attention to these at...
Read MoreSeinfeld’s Cosmo Kramer Finally Admits: ‘I’m all for Marriage’
For a television sitcom that’s been in reruns for the last quarter plus century, Seinfeld has been in the news a lot lately. First, Jerry...
Read MoreWhat is the Best Age to Marry? New Research Offers Surprising Findings
It is wisely assumed that everyone entering marriage wants their marriage to last for life. That, after all, is what marriage is about, “till death...
Read MoreImportant New Research on How Married Parents Improve Child Well-Being
A new report issued by the Institute for Family Studies revisits the critical question of how much the marital status of mothers and fathers matters...
Read MoreVirgin Island — The Newest Dating Show With A Seedy Message
What does it say about our collective perceptions of dating and marriage that being a virgin is interesting enough to anchor an entire TV show?...
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