Cookies, Conventions and the Consistent Intolerance of Liberals

The Republican National Convention (RNC) is two weeks away, July 15-18, which means the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin is getting ready to host it.

In preparation for the RNC, Milwaukee’s 100-year-old National Bakery & Deli decided to create cookies for the convention, as they have for the Milwaukee Bucks and the Milwaukee Brewers, the state’s NCAA and MBL sports teams. The business even created “vaccine donuts”  and donuts with Sen. Bernie Sanders’ picture on them, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The bakery has stated in the past, they try to “stay on trend and have fun with holidays and current events.” They typically commemorate important days such as Election Day, the Fourth of July, and both Father and Mother’s Day.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel stated that “National Bakery decided to create the cookies after attending a convention for local businesses put on by the RNC’s nonpartisan Milwaukee Host Committee late last year.” They then stated on their social media, they were asked by the committee to prepare cookies for the conference.

Posting the cookies on their social media, the caption read, “The RNC is only three weeks away. Let’s make Milwaukee proud!” The business finished the caption by stating, “No political comments please.”

That didn’t work out the way the business’ owners had hoped.

Comments such as “Love the bakery hate the cookies,” “What a sad world we live in,” “Well, that’s disappointing,” and “Yeah. Won’t be going here,” littered the comments section.

On the same post, however, some expressed support for the bakery and asked for prices and ordering details.

Bakery co-owner Bryant Krauss cleared the air in an interview stating, “We’re very non-political… we’re definitely not learning to one side or the other.”

The bakery then took to social media to announce that they would also be making cookies for the Democratic National Convention, but that sparked less of a reaction on Facebook. There were over 300 comments and 400 reactions on their post announcing cookies for the RNC compared to 75 comments and almost 150 reactions on the DNC cookie announcement.

This is shocking to see, as The Daily Citizen has previously written on a topic similar to this, but completely switched. Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, was caught in a legal fight against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that started in 2012 over his refusal to bake a homosexual couple’s wedding cake based on his personal religious convictions.  The legal battle is continuing.

The sad reality is, many on the left will be outraged if a Christian bakes the cookies or cake, or if they don’t. And sometimes – this outrage spills over even to non-partisan, non-Christian bakeries.

Despite the left’s intolerance, the cookies for both conventions look delicious.


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