Fox News is reporting that as of Monday, September 12, a record number of public comments – over 184,000 – have been received by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) concerning its proposed new rule regarding the redefinition of “sex” in Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination in education.
The proposed rule, first announced in June, seeks to alter the historic and natural definition of “sex” as it has been understood throughout millennia, including since the 1972 law was passed, to now include “sexual orientation,” “gender identity” and “pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions.”
Many parents are outraged at the proposed rule, which undermines the original purpose of Title IX – to provide a level playing field for women in educational programs, including sports.
DOE’s new rule redefines humanity in a way that erases women, endangers privacy, and does violence to the biblical and natural understanding of the importance of male and female, as well as to the sanctity of life.
The rule would allow men who believe they are women to compete in women’s sports, require restrooms, locker rooms, housing and other sex-segregated facilities be open to members of the opposite sex, require schools to affirm and accommodate students on the basis of ever-shifting gender identity, including the use of preferred names and pronouns, and force schools to promote and provide abortion services.
Among the public comments submitted to DOE as reported by Fox News are these:
“Your rule changes will destroy girls sports. It will no longer exist. Your rule changes will subject girls to boys in their private spaces. Your rule changes will perpetuate the spread of confused children who claim to be another gender to fit in,” one parent said.
“For fifty years, Title IX has provided important protections and opportunities for women by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex,” another commenter wrote. “While parents across the country are demanding the rejection of ‘woke’ policies, the Department of Education instead has chosen to hijack Title IX to force gender ideology on children without their parents’ knowledge or approval. This proposed rule is a lawless interpretation and is a complete overreach by the Department of Education.”
Monday, September 12, is the last day to submit public comments. One easy way to participate is via our ally, the Family Policy Alliance, which has an easy-to-use form to submit to the DOE.
Groups Rally to ‘Stop the Title IX Take-Over’ – You Too Can Speak Out on This Important Issue
Help Protect School Children From Department of Education’s Title IX Rule
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