House Passes Bill Protecting Women and Girls in Sports

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill protecting women and girls in sports.

The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act (H.R. 28) amends the Education Amendments of 1972, affirming that any federally funded school and college that allow males to complete on women’s teams violates the Act.

The bill stipulates that “sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” It amends the Education Amendments of 1972, which includes Title IX prohibitions on sex discrimination in education, adding the following sections:

  1. It shall be a violation of subsection (a) for a recipient of Federal financial assistance who operates, sponsors, or facilitates an athletic program or activity to permit a person whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.
  2. For the purposes of this subsection, sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.

The bill passed the House with bipartisan support in a 218-206 vote. All present Republican members voted in favor of the bill as did two Democrat representatives.

Rep. Greg Steube, R-FL, who sponsored the bill, issued a statement applauding the bill’s passage. “The House has delivered on its promise to protect women’s sports,” said Rep. Steube., adding,

Americans are united in our belief that men have no place in women’s sports, whether it’s breaking records, entering locker rooms, or stealing scholarship opportunities. Denying biological truth erases fairness in sports and puts women’s safety and opportunities at risk. Today’s passage sends a clear message to the Senate – protecting women and girls in sports is not negotiable.

In a press conference after H.R. 28 passed, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson defended the legislation, explaining to a reporter that “biology is not bigotry.”

Courageous women’s rights activist Riley Gaines also spoke, saying she is “thrilled” the legislation passed. “But truthfully, I’m mad,” she added. “I’m mad that this is something we have to do. I’m mad that we, as women, have to beg for equal rights.”

Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Kristen Waggoner also released a statement applauding the House’ passage of H.R. 28.

“Girls shouldn’t be spectators in their own sports,” Waggoner said. “Allowing males who identify as female to compete in girls’ sports ignores the biological differences between the sexes – destroying fair competition and erasing women’s athletic prospects.”

She added,

The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act reaffirms the vital protections for women’s sports guaranteed by Title IX, ensuring that women and girls truly have equal athletic opportunities. As we continue to witness increasing incidents nationwide of males dominating girls athletic competitions, it is imperative to affirm that biology, not identity, is what matters in athletics.
We commend Rep. Greg Steube and his colleagues for their unwavering support of this critical legislation, and we thank Speaker Mike Johnson and the U.S. House of Representatives for making its passage a top priority in the new year. It is encouraging to see Congress take an early, strong stand for women and girls. The Senate should now promptly consider and pass this critically important legislation.

Various liberal representatives and media outlets spread lies about the bill, calling H.R. 28 the “Child Predator Empowerment Act” or saying the bill “restrict[s] transgender athletes from women’s sports.”

Far from it, the bill protects women and girls from predators by defending their private spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms. It also doesn’t prohibit “transgender” athletes from women’s sports, because there is no such thing as a “transgender” athlete – there are only male and female athletes. H.R. 28 prohibits males from competing in girls and women’s sports.

We extend a hearty thank you to all representatives who voted for H.R. 28 to protect women and girls in sports. Defending girls and women’s sports, private spaces, and safety shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s just common sense.

We hope the U.S. Senate will soon take up, and pass, the legislation too.

If you’re concerned about what your child is being taught in school, check out this updated, free resource from Focus on the Family and Family Policy Alliance: Equipping Parents for Back-to-School.

We want parents to feel confident and equipped to manage issues affecting public – and private and online – schooling. The FREE downloadable resource helps you be aware of what’s going on in your child’s classroom and offers guidance for how to advocate for your child in the school year ahead.

Related articles and resources:

Focus on the Family: Putting Children First in Education

Focus on the Family Parenting: Thriving Student

Victory for Girls Sports: Court Halts DOE Redefinition of Sex

Parents Support Core Subjects, Keep Males out of Female Sports

Photo from Getty Images.

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