Make a Stand for Life – Sign the Declaration for Life


A baby girl was crying. She was cold, vulnerable and calling out for help. Thankfully, locals heard her weak cries and found her in a storm drain in Durban, South Africa and took action. They calledrescue services and paramedics, and donated their kitchen cupboards to reinforce the ditch that rescuers had to dig in order get to the trapped baby girl.

It took about four hours, but bystanders cheered as rescuers finally pulled the baby out of the drain and into the arms of paramedics who then rushed her by helicopter to a local hospital. The residents who gathered at the scene for the rescue named her Sibanisethu, which means “our ray of light.”

The actions taken by residents in South Africa’s third biggest city are in stark contrast to what’s been happening in the U.S. over the last two weeks. When residents heard the cries of a child in distress in South Africa, they acted, and a life was saved. In comparison, Virginia’s Gov. Northam said in an interview that if he heard the cries of a similar baby girl with disabilities in a hospital, he would make her comfortable but let her die if that is what the parents wanted.

That a U.S. governor would espouse infanticide is shocking but demonstrates that the sanctity of human life is dwindling among certain people in the population. The idea that any physician would just let a child die should spur you into action. But sometimes, it’s difficult to know where to begin.

One way that you can declare your support for life inside and outside the womb is to sign Focus on the Family’s – A Declaration for Life – which says:

“As our nation nears the terrible milestone of 50 years of legalized abortion—an era that has robbed an estimated 60 million Americans of their very right to life—we lament the extermination of an entire generation of talent, productivity, and potential. Now we face aggressive efforts to even expand this tragic practice. This is not progressive or compassionate; it is madness. Therefore …

WE PROCLAIM that abortion at any stage of development represents the taking of a human life. Science, reason, and common sense attest to this. Because this is true, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must extend to babies in the womb just as much as to every other citizen.

WE EMBRACE the indisputable scientific reality that life in the womb is worthy of protection from the moment of conception. The same DNA and genetic markers that testify to our uniqueness at birth are also present when we are conceived. Life in the womb is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Sacred scripture and prenatal science both proclaim this.

WE DECLARE that legalized abortion is wholly incompatible with the virtues of compassion, freedom, and equality that characterize a healthy and just society. As state legislatures expand abortion up to the moment of birth and some leaders advocate outright infanticide, our culture’s decades-long embrace of legalized abortion has reached a tragic new low point.

THEREFORE, as concerned citizens, we are reinforcing our commitment to speak up on behalf of the most vulnerable among us. It is imperative that churches, individuals, and communities—people of faith and all people of goodwill—work together to end this tragedy.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby affirm our commitment to: 1) advocate for pro-life legislation at the state level, including a ban on late-term abortions and those targeting babies on the basis of disability, sex or race; 2) promote the end of government funding of the abortion industry; 3) vote for candidates who respect the sanctity of life; 4) urge the appointment of constitutionalist judges who will protect the fundamental right to life; 5) support both women in unplanned pregnancies and their babies through the good work of Pregnancy Resource Centers; 6) encourage and promote the beauty of adoption; and 7) pray fervently for a nationwide reawakening to the value and sanctity of every human life.

Until that day comes, we will continue to push back against the culture of death. This is the moment we unite with one voice and proclaim, ‘No more.’

We are pro-life.”

You can also join us in 12-weeks at Times Square for the Alive from New York event, where there will be speakers, live music, and a live 4D ultrasound shown on screens throughout the square.

Make a stand for life and SIGN the declaration today!

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