States Fighting for Life – Updates on Various Efforts to Protect Life Against Pro-Abortion Administration


Though the administration of Joe Biden is slowly dismantling much of former President Donald Trump’s pro-life agenda, states throughout the country are pushing back and fighting for life. Here’s the latest news about pro-life bills being discussed and debated in various state legislatures.

South Carolina

The Palmetto State is the latest to pass a heartbeat bill in the Senate, which limits abortion to around the sixth or eighth week of pregnancy when the heartbeat can be detected. The legislation will now go on to the House where it is expected to pass. Governor Henry McMaster has previously stated his support for any measure that can make it to his desk for signature. Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups can be expected to immediately challenge the measure in court.

The bill does make exceptions if the mother’s life is at risk, the preborn baby has an anomaly or in cases of rape or incest. These exceptions are pretty standard, though the inclusion of fetal anomaly is disappointing, as this could be used to target preborn babies with Down syndrome, spina bifida or other conditions.

According to the bill, physicians would be liable for a $10,000 fine, two years in jail or both.

Like other heartbeat bills, this one will likely immediately stall in courts as it will be challenged by pro-abortion activists.


This week, legislators in the state of Kentucky have handed pro-life Attorney General Daniel Cameron new authority to regulate abortion clinics, overriding the Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s veto.

The new law, which goes into effect immediately, gives Cameron the power to “seek civil and criminal penalties for any violation of Kentucky’s abortion laws.”

The ACLU objects to the measure, stating on Twitter, “Lawmakers voted to override @GovAndyBeshear’s veto of #HB2. AG Daniel Cameron can now interfere with oversight of abortion care providers and seek penalties, even if career health experts at Health and Family Services disagree.”

This authority is incredibly important, as so many abortion clinics operate with little or no oversight and often slip under the radar of authorities. Great examples of this are Kermit Gosnell, the convicted murderer who endangered his abortion patients and routinely killed babies he failed to abort correctly after they were born alive, and Ulrich Klopfer, who kept the remains of thousands of babies he aborted in a garage and car trunk. Since Klopfer died before the discoveries were made, his reasoning for keeping the remains and not securing thousands of medical records remains a mystery.


Legislators in Arizona have introduced new abortion measures, known as HB 2650. This bill would make abortion a homicide, which would make both physicians and women seeking an abortion liable for potential prison time.

It also defines life as beginning at the moment of conception.

The state’s Senate is also considering a heartbeat bill, SB 1383, which is largely based on the one currently going through the legislature in South Carolina. The bill would make it a class 2 felony to “knowingly perform an abortion after determining that the baby has a detectable heartbeat.”

This would mean that a physician who performs the abortion could be punished by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $20,000 for failing to report it.


House legislators in the Big Sky State have advanced a bill that would prevent the government from funding abortion through the Affordable Care Act online marketplace.

“This bill does not prohibit abortions,” House Majority Leader Sue Vinton, R-Billings, said. “It ensures that the government is not in the business of funding abortions, and that individual taxpayers, our constituents, are not paying for abortion services.”

The bill faces a final House vote before being sent on to the Senate. It’s known as HB 229.

These advances in pro-life legislation should encourage Americans who are concerned about what the Biden administration will do in the coming years.

The Daily Citizen will continue to track these pieces of legislation and bring you updates as they happen.

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