The Fate of America Rests in the Hands of Its Mothers

Whether the “Great Resignation” or the “Great Renegotiation,” the American workforce is currently in the midst of a massive season of transition. 

The COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying trend toward remote work and other unconventional employment have resulted in unprecedented changes for businesses and organizations.

According to the most recent data, over 33 million Americans have resigned their positions since the spring of 2021. Many have found jobs more suitable to their liking, often with better pay and improved benefits. Remote work has grown exponentially, with many reclaiming and redeeming long hours spent commuting. Still others have left the workforce altogether.

But there’s one job – the world’s most important job, at that – that has seen no such radical revolution. 


That’s because regardless of a pandemic, an uncertain economy, soaring inflation, and international instability, the job of a mom rolls on.

In fact, the more chaotic the moment, the more critical moms become.

Moms are not allowed to resign or renegotiate. They’re “all-in” – all the time.

Motherhood is the most critical and yet also the most under-appreciated profession on the face of the earth.

Business reports talk about wages, earnings and profitability. You’ll read about mergers and acquisitions and other tangible economic measures. It’s always the business titans and executives who get the credit. We hear about their acumen and genius. 

We should be hearing about their mothers – and fathers, too, of course.

But behind almost every successful person is or was a mother who worked, sacrificed and prayed for them.

It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” 

Ronald Reagan also revered motherhood, once noting:

“There is no love like a mother’s – she who carries the child that God knits in the womb, she who nourishes and guides, she who teaches and inspires, she who gives of her heart and soul and self for the good and the happiness of her children and her family.”

If employment is increasingly unstable and uncertain, it’s our moms who serve as a ballast in the storms of life.

The fate of America rests in God’s hands, but also in the hands of mothers and fathers, whom He has created to help shepherd and raise the next generation. We cannot simply relegate parents, and especially moms, to being reduced to glorified caregivers, assigning them some utilitarian role, easily replaced by nannies or other hired help.

Mothers are indispensable. They’re also irreplaceable.

At the heart of the “Great Resignation” is a desire by many for something better or more of something good. Despite radicals who try and diminish motherhood by blurring the distinctives of the two sexes, it’s impossible to improve upon God’s design of moms. It’s this perfection that should give us confidence that His way is the best way, and why a loving mom would never resign or retreat from their divine calling in life.

Photo from Shutterstock.