Warren Buffett is rich. Really rich.
Nicknamed the “Oracle of Omaha” and approaching his 93rd birthday this coming August, the investment guru remains intently focused on running his legendary company, Berkshire Hathaway.
With a net worth of approximately $105 billion, Buffett was recently ranked fifth on Forbes’ billionaires list. But given his age and the eventual inevitability of his passing, the Nebraska native has been talking about the future of his fortune for decades. He knows he can’t take it with him – so Buffett has been regularly giving billions away each year and has pledged to have 99% of his estate distributed to charity after he dies.
While the business icon has been tight-lipped about where the bulk of his fortune will eventually go at the time of his death, he’s made no secret about his fondness for the work of the Gates Foundation. Started by Bill and Melinda Gates, that organization purports to fight “poverty, disease, and inequity around the world.”
In reality, the Gates Foundation also tragically supports the expansion of abortion all over the world, funneling money to International Planned Parenthood, among other awful organizations.
Sadly, the Buffett Foundation (Susan Buffett, Warren’s wife, died in 2004 and was known to champion abortion) have also followed suit giving millions to Planned Parenthood, NARAL and dozens of other pro-death groups. The couple was long ago duped into believing that overpopulation was a problem – and that abortion was the answer.
Warren Buffett credits the success of his company to a combination of patience, clear, thoughtful, and critical thinking, and capitalizing on other people’s dumb mistakes. Which is why it’s so odd that he could be so right on business – and so wrong about abortion when it comes to his philanthropic giving.
Just over twenty years ago, Buffett was speaking to a group of students at the University of Nebraska. It was a refreshingly insightful and wise talk. Over the course of the event, he took questions, and somebody asked him to explain his philosophy of giving.
If you listen to his criteria, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that Warren Buffett should be spending his billions in the defense and preservation of innocent life.
“I’m not going to give [the foundation] specific instructions as to what to do with the money,” he told the crowd. “I tell them that their judgment above ground will be better than my judgment six feet underground.”
But then he acknowledged he’s leaving them with two main points of consideration:
“I want them to attack really big important causes,” he said. “I don’t want them doing things with an eye dropper. I want them to take very big swings.”
With nearly a million innocent babies killed each year by abortion in the U.S. alone, is there any doubt that the quest to protect every life is a big and important cause? Is there anything more pressing than the balance between life and death?
Secondly, Buffett stated, “I want them to measure what they’re doing by the importance of what they’re doing as contrasted to the natural funding constituency for that … I want the combination of a terribly important program and the lack of a natural funding constituency. Well, where do you find that? You find that with unpopular causes to quite a degree.”
The mogul suggested the civil rights movement in the 1960s would have fit that description.
The pro-life movement is likewise under siege and underfunded. By Buffett’s own measure and criteria, it’s illogical for him to give his billions to abortion when so many giants are funding the slaughter of the innocent.
What someone does with their money is their own business, but the very best legacy and the last and greatest investment Warren Buffett could ever make would be on behalf of innocent preborn life.
Photo from Shutterstock.