Wisconsin Governor Vetoes Commonsense Pro-Life Legislation; Demonstrates Radical Position of Abortion Activists

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat and abortion supporter, vetoed five commonsense pro-life pieces of legislation passed by the pro-life, Republican-led Wisconsin state legislature. Abortion activists have embraced a radical, all-or-nothing position on abortion and it is deeply out-of-touch with how the majority of Americans think about abortion.

This isn’t the first time Evers has vetoed pro-life legislation. Evers was elected governor in 2019 and has been vetoing pro-life legislation ever since. Unfortunately, pro-life lawmakers don’t have enough votes to override the governor’s veto, so those sensible pro-life policies won’t be enacted until there’s a change in leadership.

In a statement released by Evers on his vetoes, he remarked, “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again today: as long as I’m governor, I will veto any legislation that turns back the clock on reproductive rights in this state — and that’s a promise.”

Wait a second? How does a law requiring an abortionist to provide medical care to a baby who survives an abortion turn back the clock on “reproductive rights?” It doesn’t.

That’s exactly what one of the vetoed bills would have done. 

Abortion advocates claim it’s so rare for a baby to be born alive during an abortion that the law is unnecessary. 

I think most Americans would agree that helping a baby who survives an abortion is the humane and decent thing to do. It doesn’t matter how rare it is. If a baby survives an abortion, the baby’s right to life ought to be protected by the law. Period.

The vetoed legislation would have imposed criminal penalties for up to six years in prison on doctors who did not provide medical care to babies who survived an abortion attempt. Doctors who intentionally caused the death of a baby born alive during an abortion attempt could be punished with life in prison. 

This is the second time that Evers has vetoed legislation protecting babies who survive an abortion.

A similar bill was introduced in the United States Congress in 2019, and abortion-supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked it from being voted on.    

The second vetoed bill would have prohibited discrimination based on sex, race, or disability when seeking an abortion. 

It’s hard to believe anyone would think it’s ok to get an abortion based on any of those categories. 

Discriminating against someone because of the color of their skin, their sex, or their disabilities is prohibited outside the womb. Why should it be ok to discriminate against people inside the womb?

The truth is a majority of people polled by Gallup think abortion should be illegal, if the child is being aborted simply because the woman doesn’t want the child for any reason.

The third bill required doctors to inform women that if they had a chemical abortion, the process could be reversed with an abortion reversal pill if caught early enough. Abortion supporters don’t want women to know they can try to save their babies if they change their minds. 

Ironically, the people who claim to want to give women the right to choose, do not want to fully educate them on their options. It’s manipulative and coercive. Women deserve the right to make an educated decision. 

The fourth vetoed bill would have required doctors to give expecting mothers information about congenital conditions in a preborn baby. 

The fifth measure would have reduced government funding to abortion providers.

Pro-life friends, we must hold our elected officials accountable. We need more life-affirming laws if we want to move this culture towards life and away from death. 

It’s time to reject radical abortion positions and those that peddle in evil policymaking.

We must support lawmakers who are willing to protect our most vulnerable population — our preborn children— and their mothers and fathers from the heartbreak of abortion.

Photo from Shutterstock.

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